NordicSemiconductor / Kotlin-BLE-Library

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Manufacturer Specific Data is improperly parsed

ryanmitchener opened this issue · comments

I switched from to use this library today and during scanning, manufacturer specific data is not being parsed properly. I am seeing two ids when there should be one and both DataByteArrays are empty. I can see the proper bytes in the bytes property of the scan record. Android-BLE-Library parses it correctly and so does NRFConnect.

I am also running into this issue. From what I've seen in a debugger, this seems to be happening during the conversion from a ScanRecord to a BleScanRecord in the "ScanRecord.toDomain" function in The SparseArray mapping in

fun <T, R> SparseArray<T>.map(
    modifier: (T) -> R,
): SparseArray<R> {
    val newArray = SparseArray<R>(this.size())
    for (i in 0..this.size()) {
        newArray[i] = modifier(this[i])
    return newArray

treats the SparseArray as a dense array in the for loop. I don't expect this to map the data correctly unless the SparseArray keys are exactly inside that [0, this.size()] range.

I am working with a peripheral that advertises one piece of manufacturer specific data but the conversion also returns a SparseArray with two empty elements.

Thanks for the detailed analysis. It helped a lot. The fix should be included in a next version - 1.0.9.