NomicFoundation / slang

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Support parsing Yul builtins

DaniPopes opened this issue · comments

contract C {
    function f() public pure {
        assembly {
            let opcode := byte(0, 0)


Error: Expected AsciiStringLiteral or HexStringLiteral or YulDecimalLiteral or YulFalseKeyword or YulHexLiteral or YulIdentifier or YulTrueKeyword.
 4 │ ╭─▶          let opcode := byte(0, 0)
 5 │ ├─▶        }
   │ │              
   │ ╰────────────── Error occurred here.

Thank you for reporting! Looks like we need to add/document a few missing built-in yul functions.
We are looking into this, and will update the issue once the fix is ready.

@DaniPopes fix has been released in Slang v0.13.1, and the online specification will be updated as soon as #749 is merged. Thanks!