NodeOS / NodeOS

Lightweight operating system using Node.js as userspace

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Is nodeOS an abandonned project?

immjs opened this issue · comments

The last commit is from 2018... Is work being done?

Unluckily, sort of. I've tried sometimes to retake it, but work has absorved me so much that don't have time to engage on long-term side projects, and size of NodeOS itself give me a lot of respect. Obviously this has not been the only problem, I failed to communicate and delegate some work to the community, although they were willing to do so. If only I could get some extra motivation to retake it, like some funds or something, or at least to focus myself on the project and get over to my fears... :-/

I mean for what it's worth, I'd much rather pay a hundred dollars for a nodejs based operating system then a windows

I mean for what it's worth, I'd much rather pay a hundred dollars for a nodejs based operating system then a windows

Can you explain this a bit more? For what would you use it?

@piranna Haha, I mean, for what it's worth, and assuming this project is production ready, I would prefer arch linux over this OS, but would prefer this OS over all else (*Buntu, RHEL), especially windows, and I could justify paying windows licensing prices for this OS (again, assuming the project is ready), where I can't justify paying that for windows itself.

As for use cases, I could see myself running this on all of my servers (their all nodejs anyway). and I can see a really good use case with my client portals, which, rather than have it being one server to handle all clients, I could fire up a NodeOS vm for each one. Having each client portal be a different server OS would allow me to manage them easier (say I need to move hardware, I can copy the vm image and fire it up, rather than copy the project + wait for installs + wait for compiles). Also, I can see this project being huge in containerization, as currently its not a trivial process to get node on the cloud (set up linux container, hope you have ssh access to install node + packages, or use a prebuilt and try to figure out that particular services method of installation), where with this package, all of that extra non-sense just for a (most likely) express server is avoided.

Not to mention that using this OS would solve many cross-platform issues (I mean non-linux issues), such as certain packages on windows requiring the Gigabytes of VisualStupidity just to install, where the same toolchain on linux is mere megabytes, and, assuming this is available as a container, one could have the container locally, develop there, then just deploy the container. Sorry if that's a bit much (and a bit all over the place), but I see huge potential in this project (and I've been following it for quite some time), and really am excited to see it completed.

And as for my (bad) joke, windows licenses are about $100 for some basics, and to me, that's just ridiculous, as windows is such a poorly designed OS (in my opinion), and I would much rather use that $100 to support a unique, high potential project like this one.

BTW: Good show on this project, I'll be glad to help out any way you need (that I can)

@stoneRdev this is a whole other level, I'm gonna frame this post.

@Eugeny haha have fun. Code is life, and at the moment node is the code. I love supporting open source projects that can push the community forward

@piranna please take some time to assign work to new contributors. Same as stoneRdev, I would love to see this project expand out even further.

@piranna If you'd like, I can take over some of your workload. Just @ me back here and maybe we can work something out.

@luii I've received the message in my email but it's not here, has you removed it? Is your offer still valid?

@piranna Yeah its still valid!

@piranna Yeah its still valid!

I was going to give your owner priviledges in the organization, but seems you already have them, so... serve yourself :-)

may this place help for community maintenance:


may this place help for community maintenance:


Looks like a good idea, how does we proceed?

I tried to list some procedures and give some examples at:

Are u able to transfer repo to @abandonware org if not maybe you should join some or team:

The previous 5 minutes of my life:

  1. A friend and I were chatting about servers and VMs. He asked what is the bare minimum one would need to start a VM/container with a web server. I thought about and said "Node is all I need".
  2. Then I thought, "it would be cool to have an OS that was just Node".
  3. Then I searched it and found this project (via the official website). I thought, "damn - I'm too late at the idea".
  4. Then I found out it was abandoned 3 years ago! and thought "damn - what a shame".
  5. Then I found this thread, with a post as recent as yesterday!

So sign me up to help! I haven't done much work with low-level stuff, but I think I'm pretty savvy with Node/JS. And I think it would be a fun project to work on.

I do not know much about NodeJS - I'm able to work on a basic level for making web applications, but I'm not sure how much of NodeJS I would need to know to work properly on this. I would love to help and contribute to this project. I do think that this project has definitely a lot of value coming from myself, and reading the comments here.

Let me know as well if help if needed! :D

@hufftheweevil @Rubix982 if you guys are still interested get onto gitter which is provided at the top of the readme and we'll chat for some bit
Edit: I just don't want to clutter the issue more than it needs to

@luii please check out gitter. Thank you.

Hey, can someone link to the gitter? I can't find the link in the readme, the only discussion links to the issues #OpenFest2020 : I'll present #GitAbandonWare if you care about #FLOSS #Community #SoftwareMaintenance and #OpenSource #CyberSecurity join online on #Sat20201108 at #Utc14h or watch record later at

For those that haven't seen the gitter messages, PRs are accepted and some gone through, though maybe we might need maintainers in the future.


Good to know, my proposal is still open but there is no emergency if it works the way it is today there is no reason to change

If curious check video record at:

Unluckily, sort of. I've tried sometimes to retake it, but work has absorved me so much that don't have time to engage on long-term side projects, and size of NodeOS itself give me a lot of respect. Obviously this has not been the only problem, I failed to communicate and delegate some work to the community, although they were willing to do so. If only I could get some extra motivation to retake it, like some funds or something, or at least to focus myself on the project and get over to my fears... :-/

I mean for what it's worth, I'd much rather pay a hundred dollars for a nodejs based operating system then a windows

Please post a Bitcoin address! We'd also pay ~$300 (USD equivalent) to see continued progress. Key feature for us being ease of configuring an alternative NPM provider (custom URI) for our builds.

Great project, hope to see it thrive in earnest :& without commercial license, especially if directed by the original author at a comfortable pace. Keep up the good work all around 👍

Hello, @martindale , can you expand on more, if possible, why would this project matter to you so much?

Or tt would be very cool, as in next generation no more 1990s, to use NodeOS with Solid, with an emphasis on Linked Data. With Solid apps you would only need a browser for all kinds of functionality, with the OS itself "speaking" JSON-LD (basically JSON with schemas spread round the web). Though in 2021, the base should maybe be deno, the system could actually be a "node" in a web of linked data.

@piranna Haha, I mean, for what it's worth, and assuming this project is production ready, I would prefer arch linux over this OS, but would prefer this OS over all else (*Buntu, RHEL), especially windows, and I could justify paying windows licensing prices for this OS (again, assuming the project is ready), where I can't justify paying that for windows itself.

As for use cases, I could see myself running this on all of my servers (their all nodejs anyway). and I can see a really good use case with my client portals, which, rather than have it being one server to handle all clients, I could fire up a NodeOS vm for each one. Having each client portal be a different server OS would allow me to manage them easier (say I need to move hardware, I can copy the vm image and fire it up, rather than copy the project + wait for installs + wait for compiles). Also, I can see this project being huge in containerization, as currently its not a trivial process to get node on the cloud (set up linux container, hope you have ssh access to install node + packages, or use a prebuilt and try to figure out that particular services method of installation), where with this package, all of that extra non-sense just for a (most likely) express server is avoided.

Not to mention that using this OS would solve many cross-platform issues (I mean non-linux issues), such as certain packages on windows requiring the Gigabytes of VisualStupidity just to install, where the same toolchain on linux is mere megabytes, and, assuming this is available as a container, one could have the container locally, develop there, then just deploy the container. Sorry if that's a bit much (and a bit all over the place), but I see huge potential in this project (and I've been following it for quite some time), and really am excited to see it completed.

And as for my (bad) joke, windows licenses are about $100 for some basics, and to me, that's just ridiculous, as windows is such a poorly designed OS (in my opinion), and I would much rather use that $100 to support a unique, high potential project like this one.

BTW: Good show on this project, I'll be glad to help out any way you need (that I can)

Docker fixes all this though.

We are working on something akin to this the idea will always live on and take new life.

Interesting, can you provide more details? You can also write to my email if you prefer it.

Hi all!

  1. Is this project abandoned?
  2. I would like to replace Ubuntu for node-os. Is it possible to install node-os on my computer instead of Ubuntu?
  3. Where can I find the iso file for node-os?
  4. Or hardware information compatible with node-os?

Hi all!

1. Is this project abandoned?

2. I would like to replace Ubuntu for node-os. Is it possible to install node-os on my computer instead of Ubuntu?

3. Where can I find the iso file for node-os?

4. Or hardware information compatible with node-os?

No new code since 4 years ago. It is abandoned and I wouldnt install it

May maintainer be interest to transfer code to @abandonware org for community maintenance ?

May maintainer be interest to transfer code to @abandonware org for community maintenance ?

I could consider it, but there're several interrelated and interdependent repositories, how can we proceed?

It's super easy, I invited you to @abandonware org then you can transfer repos one by one
legacy urls will still work because github establish redirections