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Forge in NodeMC

RedstoneGeek223 opened this issue · comments

Hey i'm a user of NodeMC and want to use forge how do i do that

After setup, you can move the Forge jar to wherever you specified NodeMC to store jars, rename it to forge.version.jar, and change the confing.json (in the config/ folder) so that the minecraft sections looks like this:

Ahem sorry thats the v6 config. For v5 your properties.json should look like this:

  "apikey": "apikey",
  "port": 3000,
  "minecraft_port": 25565,
  "ram": 1024,
  "jar": "forge",
  "version": "version",
  "firstrun": false

Hope this helps @RedstoneGeek223

Thanks for the help! Perhaps update setup screen 5 to reflect this as it says "Supports up to 1.9, either Spigot or Vanilla.", or add a help document so people don't get confused as to how to do this like I did

Edit: also is the mod setup the same?
Edit Edit: I did what you said but it still says "Vanilla Server" on the client side in the minecraft multiplayer list

What does your properties.json look like? Also where is your server jarfile located?

{ "apikey": "apikey", "port": 3000, "minecraft_port": 25565, "ram": "2048M", "jarfile_directory": "/home/username/Minecraft Server/", "jar": "Forge", "version": "1.8.9", "firstrun": false }

What is your jarfile named?



@RedstoneGeek223 Did you use the Forge installer to create a server jar?

yes, here is what it was: "minecraft_server.1.8.9.jar"


I've managed to replicate the issue - it doesn't seem to be a NodeMC bug but I will investigate further.



It looks like the minecraft_server.1.8.9.jar isn't actually a Forge jar to me. I'm not sure which jar is the Forge server jar.

minecraft_server.1.8.9.jar is the jar that forge generates when you install


Rename the forge-x.y.z.-a.b.c.d-x.y.z-universal.jar file to Forge.1.8.9.jar (leaving minecraft_server.x.y.z.jar alone) and this will start a Forge server. With Forge servers, the minecraft_server.x.y.z.jar is only patched when you start the Forge jar.

Thanks! ill try this after while doing important things at the moment, and again maybe add a help file to help people with this in the future.


In later versions of NodeMC, we're planning to overhaul the setup process anyway to support more Minecraft server softwares like SpongeForge, SpongeVanilla, Cauldron and Forge, which will make these easier to use with NodeMC.

but until that update comes...?


@RedstoneGeek223 I'm assuming this worked?

Yes it did thanks for the help