NoahFetz / F1AppleTV

F1TV Client for AppleTV

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Little things

LiroyvH opened this issue · comments

Sorry for opening multiple issues haha, just really started using this and enthusiastically ran through the whole thing. (And it's quite impressive btw oO)

Had two comments:
1.) When looking at a race weekend, you get that beautiful Calendar overview with all the dates & times. There's two minor "bugs" with that: for Bahrain for example, the background image is very bright so the white text can be hard to read. (Shadow?) Secondly, when the event title is very long; it doesn't prune it until after the space reserved for the time the event is supposed to occur at - so you never get to actually see the time at which that event starts; you only see the event title.

2.) People with the (latest) Siri Remote whom disable the touchpad can't conjure the channel selection by swiping left. (Thanks for the tutorial video btw!) So I was thinking: The navigate up button seems to do nothing in custom player mode, other than controlling volume when the slider is selected. Maybe having clicking the up button to conjure the selection menu would be a nice addition. In default Apple player mode the up button is occupied, but that shouldn't matter. Just exit "fullscreen" as always when you wish to get to custom player and you get control back.

Thank you for your consideration and thanks for developing this awesome app. Enjoy the race weekend!