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Missing builders on x86_64 darwin

happysalada opened this issue · comments


it looks like there are 869 jobs waiting and no builders for the architecture x86_64 darwin.
is this the right place to post issues?

This is because the builder is contributed by @LnL7, and it is currently shut off because of the heat.

Regarding your comment on the home-manager issue:

(if nixpkgs is waiting for all the checks to complete before releasing on unstable branch, then this would need to get resolved before it gets deployed)

ofborg checks are only used to verify that the PR didn't break anything (measurable) in Nixpkgs and is completely detached from channel bumps (Hydra is what handles those, with its much larger amount of machines).

While this is an issue in the sense that it isn't ideal to be lacking the darwin builder, I'm not aware of anything that can be done about it, so I'm going to close this issue.


Thanks for the explanation!

@cole-h That was the initial reason for turning it off a while. But now it doesn't seem to boot anymore and I still have to take a look what's going on with it.

@LnL7 If I want to contribute toward getting a Darwin builder running again, what would be the best way to do that?

If you want to run a builder of your own, check out the wiki page on operating a builder.

Another way might be to figure out how to ergonomically plug some other approach into our workflows: NixOS/nixpkgs#99112 (comment)

@vcunat I was trying to run a builder on my laptop, but I was unable to:

  1. Get sandboxing working. I followed the instructions on the wiki page, but it still showed all the users.
  2. Figure out what to put in the config file. More specifically, what to replace all the "..."s and the /home/grahamc/.nix-test-rs path in the example file with.
  3. Figure out how to make the machine available for other people to build on, so the huge queue stops growing.
  1. is an example config I was using to test. Note that ofborg requires rabbitmq to operate properly. I experimented with setting up borg on my machine a few months ago, but didn't get very far. You can see my efforts here:

  2. Making the machine available for use with borg infrastructure can only happen with manual intervention from Graham, since it requires access to infra secrets (and his free time is extremely limited at the moment, making this unlikely).