Nirajkashyap / react-microfrontend - Github Dashboard

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MicroFrontend Reading:

other links:


  1. PayloadSize of each sub module and developing independent sub module repo

  2. Modify react object can break sub module code base in from @ThoughtWorks

Solutions :

  1. Decrease PayloadSize by main code base : extracting react libs from other sub module using rollup

  2. Freeze React lib objects like below

let microFrontendReactV16 = {};

microFrontendReactV16['ReactDOM'] = ReactDOM;
microFrontendReactV16['React'] = React;
microFrontendReactV16['react-redux'] = react_redux;
microFrontendReactV16['redux'] = redux;
microFrontendReactV16['reactstrap'] = reactstrap;
microFrontendReactV16['qs'] = qs;
microFrontendReactV16['reacthistory'] = history;
microFrontendReactV16['rxjs'] = rxjs;
microFrontendReactV16['redux-observable'] = redux_observable;
microFrontendReactV16['rxoperators'] = rxoperators;

Object.defineProperty(window, "microFrontendReactV16", {
    value: Object.freeze(microFrontendReactV16),
    writable: false


updates after typescript Create React App CLI base app

  1. dynamic-import and code splitting
    problems :
  • dynamic-import from url was not working.

solutions :

get react component code only and don't load react lib use rollup for this. example :

  • Dynamic ( runtime + lazy ) javascript loading rollup Build code

  • Only sub module of components and no react lib codebase rollup Build code

Dynamic route declaration by window appPaths
routing code base for code-splitting
rollup script to build sub module of components

2.Default scss loader added in webpack config and scss validator script is added in build process

3.Some Env used in project

  • REACT_APP_SUB_MODULE - used for defining javascript source url for SUB_MODULE - configured in travis ci env
  • REACT_APP_HASH_HISTORY - used to decide which history object to use. example useful for build hash history for gh-pages - configured in travis ci env
  • REACT_APP_API_URL - used to config api location

Available Scripts

npm run fullstart

run end to end application

live example :
main module : from
sub module : is loaded from

Basic Create React App - README

About - Github Dashboard


Language:JavaScript 61.5%Language:TypeScript 36.1%Language:HTML 1.8%Language:CSS 0.7%