Porting Nimbus to Netstandard 2.0 (.NET Core & .NET 4.6.2)
JeremyCade opened this issue · comments
Jeremy Cade commented
Placeholder issue for tasks to be completed to port Nimbus to netstandard2.0 (.NET Core) and .NET 4.6.1
Core - Convert to netstandard2.0 & .NET 4.6.2
- Nimbus - Partial to netstandard2.0 & net462
- Nimbus.InfrastructureContracts - Partial to netstandard2.0 & net462
- Nimbus.MessageContracts - Partial to netstandard2.0 & net462
Extensions - Convert to netstandard2.0 & .NET 4.6.2
- Nimbus.Autofac
- Nimbus.LargeMessages.Azure
- Nimbus.LargeMessages.FileSystem
- Nimbus.Logger.Log4net
- Nimbus.Logger.Serilog
- Nimbus.Ninject
- Nimbus.Serializers.Json
- Nimbus.Transports.AzureServiceBus
- Nimbus.Transports.InProcess
- Nimbus.Transports.Redis
- Nimbus.Transports.WindowsServiceBus (Deprecate?)
- Nimbus.Unity
- Nimbus.Windsor
Unit Testing - NUnit netstandard2.0 & .NET 4.6.2
- Nimbus.IntegrationTests
- Nimbus.StressTests
- Nimbus.Tests.Common
- Nimbus.UnitTests
- Nimbus.UnitTests.TestAssemblies.Handlers
- Nimbus.UnitTests.TestAssemblies.MessageContracts
- Nimbus.UnitTests.TestAssemblies.MessageContracts.Serialization
- Reimplement Fody Fody/Fody#330 is no longer a blocker.
Build Infrastructure
- Convert to CakeBuild.net?
Jeremy Cade commented
@uglybugger I've removed Fody for the time being to get the port underway.
My understanding is that there are a number of upstream Fody packages that need to be ported before Fody will be usable with .NET Core and .NET Standard.