NilsIrl / MozWire

MozWire is an unofficial configuration manager giving Linux, macOS users (among others), access to MozillaVPN.

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Fail to build and install

AntHar opened this issue · comments


I tried to build MozWire, but there is a failure regarding the type of strip in the section profile.release in the cargo.toml file

anton@antony-macbookpro MozWire % cargo install --git --branch trunk Updating git repository`
error: failed to parse manifest at /Users/anton/.cargo/git/checkouts/mozwire-1618045574137c89/e6bcc26/Cargo.toml

Caused by:
invalid type: unit variant, expected string only for key 'profile.release.strip'


What version of cargo do you have?

cargo 1.47.0 (f3c7e066a 2020-08-28)


I'm not sure why this was happening as there doesn't seem to be a reason why strip cannot take a bool. But either way, it should be fixed now.

Thanks for reporting!