Nikolay-Kha / PyCNC

Python CNC machine controller for Raspberry Pi and other ARM Linux boards

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Z motors don't work

janoist1 opened this issue · comments

I'm testing my setup using raw g code commands, like z10.
Z motors don't seem to work, they only make some whistle-like sound when supposed to be moving. I have tried with different steppers and motors too. Different stepper driver does the same issue, wiring to different motors also same. Just buzzing/screaming.
Any idea?
I can't wait for this working on my desk... 🙏

A video showing what happens when running g28:

Ok, I have managed to make the Z work! Had to adjust the pulse STEPPER_PULSES_PER_MM_Z down to 50. I'm not sure what it exactly does or how it affects the end print quality. 🤷‍♂️

Now the question is, how to calculate the config values for my printer? Unfortunately the motors spin too fast, especially the extruder motor. Thanks!

how to calculate the config values for my printer?
Find specs for your hardware. Or calculate these values according to your construction. Or do some empirical tests - commands have values in millimeters, compare it with actual physical distance of axis and adjust parameters.