NicolasSiver / nodebb-plugin-ns-twitch-monitor

Monitors specific channels and adds them to widget view

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The plugin seem totally broken

antoine-pous opened this issue · comments

I run on NodeBB 1.4.5 and the plugin seem broken.

The current configuration doesn't work and i have no more access to the plugin settings.

Can you follow the real NodeBB compatibility instead of using ^1.x in package.json?

By semver, every minor or patch version should be backward compatible. Technically plugin should not work with NodeBB 2.x.x.

The plugin was Ok with 1.4.4 where 1.4.5 just a patch version.

What error do you have in NodeBB logs?

In the console i have a warning:

Error has occurred, can not update initial cache for twitch monitor, error: [[error:invalid-event]]
(anonymous) @ nodebb.min.js:23

This warning don't appear on ACP.

The route to admin/plugins/twitch-monitor is broken and i haven't the plugin in ACP menu.


Without any reason, the plugin display channels now, but i have some REDIS error.

node_redis: Deprecated: The HMSET command contains a "null" argument.
This is converted to a "null" string now and will return an error from v.3.0 on.
Please handle this in your code to make sure everything works as you intended it to.

If you disable Twitch plugin, do you still see redis error?

No, the errors desapear when i turn it off.

The plugin uses internal NodeBB wrappers for work with Database (Mongo or Redis).
I'm not sure how actionable an issue from the plugin perspective.