NicolasConstant / BirdsiteLive

An ethical bridge from Twitter

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birdsitelive exited with code 1

masukomi opened this issue · comments

standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error

getting a ton of these when running docker-compose up after following the instructions here.

like 9 in a row followed by birdsitelive exited with code 1

If you do docker-compose up instead of docker-compose up -d as described in the docs, do you have a bit more info?

I have this issue also when setting up using Portainer. These are the events I get..
Container birdsitelive started
Container birdsitelive exited with status code 1
Container disconnected from birdsitelive_birdsitelivenetwork network

The error I am getting is the same as above: exec /usr/bin/dotnet: exec format error

I've included the logs from the Portainer Containers


Is it possible you're trying to run it on another CPU architecture than amd64? (arm?)

Not for me, I don’t know about the other person. I am trying to get it to run on a Pi 4 with 8GB ram. I do have other containers running on it

Raspberry Pi has an Arm based CPU, so that's normal that it doesn't work with the official docker image (limited to amd64 currently).

Oh sorry, may bad, I completely misunderstood.

pretty sure i was running it on pi. Figured it was fine since so many things want you to run docker images on pi. :/

So, I guess maybe the right "fix" here is to just add a note to the README that the docker image doesn't work on Pi or ARM macs.

I've updated the README accordingly. 🙂

Hi @masukomi and @NicolasConstant,

I successfully managed to run the latest unmodified Docker image of BSL on ARM (aarch64) by using Docker's built in multi arch support using qemu.

The CPU I am using is from the same family as the Raspberry Pi, so it should run on Raspberry Pi as well! Performance is not an issue in my case, but I'm running a small private instance only.

I had to extend my docker-compose.yml to specify the platform architecture and to make sure that amd64 support is enabled before running the BSL container as follows:

version: "3"

        external: false

        platform: linux/amd64
        image: nicolasconstant/birdsitelive:latest
        restart: always
        container_name: birdsitelive
            - Instance:AdminEmail=name@domain.ext
            - Db:Type=postgres
            - Db:Host=db
            - Db:Name=birdsitelive
            - Db:User=birdsitelive
            - Db:Password=birdsitelive
            - Twitter:ConsumerKey=twitter.api.key
            - Twitter:ConsumerSecret=twitter.api.key
            - birdsitelivenetwork
            - "5000:80"
            - amd64
            - db

        image: tonistiigi/binfmt
        restart: on-failure
        container_name: amd64
        privileged: true
            - --install
            - amd64

        image: postgres:9.6
        restart: always
            - POSTGRES_USER=birdsitelive
            - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=birdsitelive
            - POSTGRES_DB=birdsitelive
            - birdsitelivenetwork
            - ./postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data

That's great! Will add this to the documentation. Thanks!