NicolasConstant / BirdsiteLive

An ethical bridge from Twitter

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Purge user from followings

darkphoenix opened this issue · comments

My instance appears to have been found by some sort of bot that followed about 10,000 Twitter users it found, uhm, somehow? I've blocked the bot now, is there any way to neatly purge everything only followed by it? Also, is there a way (beyond poking the database directly) to get some useful usage stats and possibly purge some Twitter accounts no longer followed by anyone?

If you blacklisted the account it should purge by itself.
(should, if not, feel free to tell me)

You can have some statistics on the /statistics endpoint, you also have an administrator tool available: BSLManager, I'm not really happy with the state of it, but it's there and it's working (it helps removing abusing accounts, etc).

An Arm64 build would need to set up a CICD pipeline: currently I lazily rely on Docker Hub autobuild that doesn't (at least, it was the case the last time I've checked) support a multi-architecture build.
But surely would be useful, I just have to find some time to jump back in those kind of setup.