NickTikhonov / up

Painless, context-aware file uploads from the command line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How do I make it use gist?

ChrisJefferson opened this issue · comments

By default seems to want me to setup a dropbox account. Nothing obvious to see how to configure to use gist instead.

Dropbox is the current default for most of the uploads. Gist will be used if you pass in a file that has a source code extension.

The reason the --provider gist flag wasn't working for piping was because I forgot to add that into code. It should now work.

The problem is I didn't know there was a --provider gist, because --help doesn't list anything except --help :)

Also, even if I pass --provider gist it still demands a dropbox key... although I can cancel it.

@ChrisJefferson currently, you will be asked to authenticate with dropbox if your ~/.up.json file is missing the dropbox auth key. We plan on making authentication lazy in the near future, so you could up source code without having to authenticate. Thanks for pointing out the lack of documentation for --provider, we will fix that ASAP 👍

This has been fixed, but not yet uploaded to npm as we're still writing some more stuff. As @NickTikhonov said, cheers for letting us know.