Ngcademy / forms

Extendable forms module for Angular implementations.

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Ngcademy Forms

Standardized approach to reactive Angular forms. Manages the repetitive nature of setting up new forms in Angular with the powerful workflow of RxJS.

Note: This package has not been officially released and the documentation (imports, etc.) will not reflect the final implementation.

Getting Started


  1. Use Ngrx4 dependencies (store, effects)
  2. Root state bootstrapped in AppModule
  3. Use FormGroup for form declarations.


Import the NgFormsCommonModule into your main AppModule.

imports: [

Bind the reactiveForm directive to an existing form element to leverage the auto dispatching of the submission actions. Will automatically dispatch Submit into effect listener when the form is submitted naturally.

<form reactiveForm></form>

Initialize the FormGroup reference by dispatching the Setup action.

import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import * as forms from './common/actions/form';
import { FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { getFormGroup } from './common/index';

    private store$: Store<any>,
    private fb: FormBuilder) {}

    formGroup$: Observable<any>;

    ngOnInit() {$.dispatch(new forms.Setup({
            firstName: [null, Validators.required],
            lastName: []
        this.formGroup$ =$.select(getFormGroup);

Bind the formGroup$ Observable to the form binding needed for reactive forms.

<form [formGroup]="formGroup$ | async" reactiveForm></form>

RxJS Hooks

This package contains a variety of convenient selectors to digest segments of form state quickly.

Hook Description
hasSubmitted Flag determines if the form has been submitted by the user.
getFormGroup Returns a reference to the Angular FormGroup declaration.
getFormErrors Pointer reference to quickly return back the form errors.
isFormValid Pointer reference to quickly return back the validity of the form.
getFormValue Pointer reference to quickly return back the form snapshot value.
isFormSubmitting In Progress: Determines if the form submission has completed the API cycle round.

Effect Binding

This package emits two exposed effect actions in respect to the overall submission validity.

Action Types

Type Description
[Forms] Submit Success The form passed validation requirements and has been submitted by the user.
[Forms] Submit Failed The form failed validation requirements by the user after a submission attempt.

The action types are respectably available through the barrel file common/index as SUBMIT_SUCCESS and SUBMIT_FAILED.

Example Usage

In your own application, you can hook and respond to the effects that are dispatched from the underlying package.

exampleFormSave$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
    .switchMap(formData => {
        return this.myService.saveData(formData);

Road Map

  • Production Release of Forms Package
  • Namespaced Form Declarations (support for multiple form instances at same time)
  • TBD


Sean perkins
Sean Perkins


Extendable forms module for Angular implementations.


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