Nextomics / NextDenovo

Fast and accurate de novo assembler for long reads

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

about the ParallelTask for the nextdenovo

fly005304 opened this issue · comments

Dear Author,
I think that this new version for use the ParallelTask is not very well for different groups. As in some institutes, different user has different queue and project ID for subbmit their job to the SGE, but they can't change this for diffferent people. So i suggest the author to revise this just as the before version that we can change it in the cfg file.

Two choices:

  1. You can set the submit optipon like this: submit = qsub -pe smp {cpu} -l vf={mem} -o {out} -e {err} {script} in the NextDenovo configure file.
  2. Install a standalone python for yourself only.