Nextomics / NextDenovo

Fast and accurate de novo assembler for long reads

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool fails

ctxchris opened this issue · comments


I run NextDenovo v2.4.0 on a diploid genome with ~ 100x PacBio CLR data.
Everything seems to run fine until /NextDenovo/lib/ is executed.
The log file says "ctg_cns done", but folder "03.ctg_graph" contains no nd.asm.f.part*.fasta files and file "nd.asm.fasta" is empty.
When I execute NextDenovo/lib/ -p 15 -g /01_run/03.ctg_graph/ -b /01_run/03.ctg_graph/ -i 0 -r clr -l /01_run/03.ctg_graph/03.ctg_cns.input.bams -o nd.asm.f.part000.fasta manually, I get

Start a corrected worker in 611849 from parent 611848
Start a corrected worker in 611850 from parent 611848
Start a corrected worker in 611851 from parent 611848
Start a corrected worker in 611852 from parent 611848

and an empty "nd.asm.f.part000.fasta" file. The process ends immediately.
I was wondering about the "genome file" "01_run/03.ctg_graph/ " as it is no fasta file but rather graphml. I run NextDenvo with nextgraph_options = -a 2

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
graphml xmlns="">
key"l" attr.type="int" for="edge" id="e0"/>
key"ide" attr.type="int" for="edge" id="e1"/>
key"len" attr.type="int" for="edge" id="e4"/>
key"sco" attr.type="int" for="edge" id="e5"/>
key"nodeid" attr.type="int" for="node" id="n0"/>
key"revnodeid" attr.type="int" for="node" id="n1"/>
graph edgedefault="directed">
node id="7127384.b">
data key="n0">3
data key="n1">4

File "nd.asm.p.fasta" in folder "" also seems to be a graphml file. File nd.asm.p.fasta.blc is empty.

Can you make sense of this?
