Nextomics / NextDenovo

Fast and accurate de novo assembler for long reads

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NextDenovo/bin/seq_dump nanopore.fastq does not exist!

li0604 opened this issue · comments

Hi, everybody.
I am using the software named nextdenovo for my Nanopore sequencing data assembling. But there is an error and I don't how to solved it. The logfile was presented as following. Would you mind sharing your suggestion about this kind of error?



  1. It seems there is a space after file ...nanopore.fastq in input.fofn, so please delete it.
  2. you need set ava-ont for minimap2_options_raw and minimap2_options_cns.
  3. yourseed_cutoff is too short.

See here and here for more details.

Thanks for your help and I corrected the reasons 2 and 3. The program is running.