NetSys / NetBricks

NetBricks: A new network function framework based on Rust.

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NetBricks integration with Tokio-rs

rohitjoshi opened this issue · comments

I am looking for alternate to Seastar in Rust lang and seems NetBricks can be used for developing high-performance network applications.
Any plans to integrate with tokia-rs?

Yeah, I think this is a good idea, just not sure of a timeline yet. But just to be clear, what sort of integration were you considering? What I had in mind was to eventually add in some sort of a TCP stack (Seastar has one in the net directory) probably building on the netbsd stack and then exposing futures for that. This seems to be similar to what Seastar would offer, but did you have some other use case or design in mind?

I am starting a new project and wanted to use Rust but did not find an alternative to Seastar.
Seems NetBricks has basic building blocks and if we add tcp stack with features, it can be alternate to seastar. so use case is same as what you describe.

I am also looking for a Seastar alternative for rust. If NetBricks can add tcp stack it would be great!