Nesvilab / MSFragger

Ultrafast, comprehensive peptide identification for mass spectrometry–based proteomics

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Bruker libraries not found

Munchic opened this issue · comments

Hello! I'm trying to run MSFragger inside a Docker container based on Ubuntu 16.04. The command I'm running:

java -Xmx16g -jar /MSFragger-3.4/MSFragger-3.4.jar /MSFragger-3.4/closed_fragger.params /data/20180924_50ngHeLa_1.0.25.1_Hystar5.0SR1_S2-A1_1_2042.d

The error that I get:

ERROR Timsdata - The ext folder with timsdata-2-8-7-1.dll (Win) or (Linux) is needed. If you are using an old ext folder, please upgrade.

I am aware that there was a similar ticket before and that the ext folder should be at the same level with the .jar executable which is what I have:

root@293ff0d813a4:/MSFragger-3.4# ls 
MSFragger-3.4.jar                MSFragger-LICENSE.pdf      RawFileRdr_License_Agreement_RevA.pdf  closed_fragger.params  nonspecific_fragger.params  redist.txt
MSFragger-LICENSE-3RD-PARTY.txt  Nglyco-HCD_fragger.params  THIRD-PARTY-LICENSE-README.txt         ext                    open_fragger.params         version.txt

Inside ext/bruker folder it looks like this:

root@293ff0d813a4:/MSFragger-3.4/ext/bruker# ls
THIRD-PARTY-LICENSE-README.txt  redist.txt  timsdata-2-8-7-1.dll  timsdata-2-8-7-1.lib

The file is just a duplicate of I made in case that's the version that's checked, with or without it I still get the same error. I also tried to duplicate and name (which is what redist.txt seems to be asking for). Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.

In the future, do you think it's possible to configure the location of ext folder from within fragger.params? I feel like that would eradicate issues with finding path to the libraries. Thank you so much for your help!

Do you have mono installed?



Hi Fengchao @fcyu,

apt install -y mono-devel in building the Docker image solved the issue, thank you so much for your help!