Nerwyn / android-tv-card

Universal Customizable TV Remote Card, with HA actions, super configurable touchpad, slider, haptics, and keyboard

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After updating to 3.0.0, the touchpad area disappeared, it still works, but it is not visible

nikrays opened this issue · comments


After updating to 3.0.0, the touchpad area disappeared, it still works, but it is not visible
Screenshot_2023-11-11-11-21-05-580_io homeassistant companion android-edit

Which theme are you using? The slider and touchpad now use theme colors, specifically --secondary-background-color.

What happens if you add the following to your config?

  background: gray

Could you open your browsers developer tools, select the touchpad, and see what the Styles pane says about it's background color? I may need to set a backup default color for themes that do not have --secondary-background-color.

Seeing the same or similar.

Also these two settings were set to null by the upgrade in the yaml, but still work :
double_click_keycode: null
long_click_keycode: null

Also the card mod code appears to have been broken. Is there a change required to make it work again:

  style: |
    :host {
      --ha-card-background: #00000000;
    toucharea {
      background-image:url("/hacsfiles/themes/jtm-bg/Apple_TV_logo_75.png") !important;
      background-size: xxx !important;
      background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
      background-position: center !important;
      opacity: 0.4;
      background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; /* affects just the background color */

Are you trying to set them to false, or did they appear as null after the upgrade?

Because of significant rewrites in v3 that introduced shadow roots for all elements, card mod no longer works well with this card. You can instead apply styles using the touchpad_style option the same way you would've with card mod.

  background-image: url("/hacsfiles/themes/jtm-bg/Apple_TV_logo_75.png")
  background-size: xxx
  background-repeat: no-repeat
  background-position: center
  opacity: 0.4
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)

Yes, that works. Many thanks. CardMod still needed for the first part in order to get rid of the theme BG.
The two yams lines also reappeared after these edits. All good. Thanks again!

One more things that appears broken: setting touch pad height in yaml appears non-functional?
The below code has no effect on my install. Has it moved to touchpad_style or something?

touchpad_height: 370px

And one final thing that appears to need a different treatment?
When using this card as a button in a grid, the cardmod code below worked ok.
Can touchpad_style be used here also to replace it? I only need to set the icon size.

If so, an example on how to just set the icon size or if needed use this card outside in grid with touchpad_style
without affecting the height of the row? Would be nice.

  - type: custom:android-tv-card
    keyboard_id: media_player.kodi
    keyboard_mode: KODI
      - search
        icon: mdi:search-web
        icon_height: 18px
        key: SEARCH
      style: |
        ha-icon-button[title="search"] > ha-icon {
          height: 18px;
          width: 18px;
          .row {
          padding: 8px;

Which theme are you using? The slider and touchpad now use theme colors, specifically --secondary-background-color.

What happens if you add the following to your config?

  background: gray

Could you open your browsers developer tools, select the touchpad, and see what the Styles pane says about it's background color? I may need to set a backup default color for themes that do not have --secondary-background-color.

Thanks, this solves my problem!

  background: gray

Reopening this as there as some actionable items for me to fix.

@nikrays but which theme are you using? I want to investigate whether this happened because --secondary-background-color is the same as --ha-card-background or because it's unset. The latter I can fix, the former has to be fixed by the user.

@houser42 touchpad_height has been soft deprecated, use the height field inside touchpad_style instead. Although it should be copied over to touchpad_style.height if it exists but my check for doing so is a bit too strict, so I can fix that.

To set button icon size, use button_style like so:

  '--size': 24px

Similarly you can set button size for individual keys via custom keys and sources.

    key: menu
      '--size': 24px

Released v3.0.1, which adds a fallback value for the touchpad background if --secondary-background-color isn't set and has better logic for copying touchpad_height to touchpad_style.height.

All working. Great! One final question: is it possible to edit padding in buttons outside the touchpad?
I tried this but not working:

  '--size': 20px
  '--padding': 2px

@houser42 use padding instead.

  '--size': 20px
  padding: 2px

In CSS, anything that starts with -- is a custom property. For this card, --size is a custom property that I made to internally set the height and width of buttons, icons, and all child elements. In our previous conversations about custom styling for buttons we were having trouble getting it to properly work but I think I've fixed it in this release using the --size custom property. For everything else you would use the normal CSS properties.

See the README sections on button style, touchpad style, and slider style for more information about custom properties that exist for each of these elements along with recommended other properties to use.


Which theme are you using? The slider and touchpad now use theme colors, specifically --secondary-background-color.

What happens if you add the following to your config?

  background: gray

Could you open your browsers developer tools, select the touchpad, and see what the Styles pane says about it's background color? I may need to set a backup default color for themes that do not have --secondary-background-color.


  # Fonts
  primary-font-family: 'Raleway,sans-serif'
  paper-font-common-base_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
  paper-font-common-code_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
  paper-font-body1_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
  paper-font-subhead_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
  paper-font-headline_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
  paper-font-caption_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
  paper-font-title_-_font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"
  ha-card-header-font-family: "var(--primary-font-family)"

  # Text
  text-color: '#ffffff' 
  primary-text-color: 'var(--text-color)'
  text-primary-color: 'var(--text-color)'
  secondary-text-color: "#BAC0C6"
  text-medium-light-color: '#A0A2A8'
  text-medium-color: '#80828A'
  disabled-text-color: '#626569'
  primary-color: '#0288d1'

  # Text Fields an Dropdown
  mdc-text-field-fill-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.7)
  mdc-text-field-ink-color: 'var(--text-color)'
  mdc-select-fill-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.7)
  mdc-text-field-label-ink-color: 'var(--secondary-text-color)'
  input-fill-color: 'var(--background-color)'
  input-ink-color: 'var(--text-color)'
  input-label-ink-color: 'var(--text-color)'
  input-disabled-fill-color: 'var(--background-color)'
  input-disabled-ink-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)'
  input-disabled-label-ink-color: 'var(--disabled-text-color)'
  input-idle-line-color: 'var(--background-color)'
  input-dropdown-icon-color: 'var(--secondary-text-color)'
  input-hover-line-color: 'var(--primary-color)'
  code-editor-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
  codemirror-property: 'var(--primary-color)'

  # Main Colors
  app-header-background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)
  header-height: 48px
  accent-color: rgb(255, 0, 0)
  accent-medium-color: 'var(--primary-color)'

  # Background
  background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)
  primary-background-color: 'var(--background-color)'
  background-color-2: '#20293c' 
  secondary-background-color: none
  markdown-code-background-color: 'var(--background-color)'

  # Card
  card-background-color: 'var(--ha-card-background)'
  ha-card-background: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.7)
  #ha-card-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 1px var(--border-color)
  border-color: "#1F1B24"
  ha-card-border-radius: "30px"
  ha-config-card-border-radius: 'var(--ha-card-border-radius)'
  border-top-left-radius: 'var(--mdc-shape-small, 30px)'
  border-top-right-radius: 'var(--mdc-shape-small, 30px)'
  border-bottom-right-radius: 'var(--ha-card-border-radius)'
  border-bottom-left-radius: 'var(--ha-card-border-radius)'

  # Icons
  paper-item-icon-color: rgb(174, 174, 178)
  #paper-item-icon-active-color: rgb(255, 214, 10)
  # States

  # Sidebar
  sidebar-background-color: 'var(--background-color)'
  sidebar-icon-color: '#98a7b9'
  sidebar-selected-icon-color: 'var(--primary-color)'
  sidebar-selected-text-color: 'var(--text-color)'
  paper-listbox-background-color: 'var(--sidebar-background-color)'
  divider-color: 'var(--background-color)'
  light-primary-color: 'var(--ha-card-background)'

  # Sliders
  paper-slider-knob-color: 'var(--primary-color)'
  paper-slider-pin-color: 'var(--background-color-2)'
  paper-slider-active-color: 'var(--primary-color)'
  paper-slider-container-color: 'var(--background-color-2)'

  # Toggle:
  paper-toggle-button-checked-bar-color: 'var(--primary-color)'
  mdc-theme-primary: 'var(--primary-color)'

  # Switch
  switch-unchecked-color: '#70889e'
  switch-checked-button-color: 'var(--primary-color)'
  switch-unchecked-track-color: 'var(--background-color-2)'
  switch-checked-track-color: 'var(--background-color-2)'

  # Radio Button
  paper-radio-button-checked-color: 'var(--primary-color)'

  # Popups
  more-info-header-background: 'var(--secondary-background-color)'
  paper-dialog-background-color: 'var(--background-color)' #'rgba(47,59,82,0.4)'

  # Tables
  table-row-background-color: 'var(--background-color)'
  table-row-alternative-background-color: 'var(--ha-card-background)'

  # Badges
  label-badge-background-color: 'var(--background-color)'
  label-badge-text-color: 'var(--text-primary-color)'
  label-badge-red: 'rgba(73,85,108,1)'
  label-badge-blue: 'rgba(26,137,245,1)'
  label-badge-green: 'rgba(0,202,139,1)'
  label-badge-yellow: 'rgba(222,176,107,1)'

  paper-input-container-focus-color: 'var(--primary-color)'

  # Custom Header
  ch-background: 'var(--background-color)'
  ch-active-tab-color: 'var(--primary-color)'
  ch-notification-dot-color: 'var(--primary-color)'
  ch-all-tabs-color: 'var(--sidebar-icon-color)'
  ch-tab-indicator-color: 'var(--primary-color)'

  # Mini Mediaplayer
  mini-media-player-base-color: 'var(--text-color)'
  mini-media-player-accent-color: 'var(--primary-color)'

  # Alarm
  alarm-color-armed: 'rgba(247,53,67,1)'

  # Other
  dialog-backdrop-filter: blur(20px)
  iron-overlay-backdrop-opacity: 1
  iron-overlay-backdrop-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)

  # Card-Mod #####################################################################
  # Uncomment the Code below if you have card-mod installed and want blur effect #

  card-mod-theme: theme

  card-mod-more-info-yaml: |
    $: |
      .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container .mdc-dialog__surface {
        box-shadow: var(--ha-card-box-shadow);
        border-radius: var(--ha-card-border-radius);
    .: |
      :host {
        --ha-card-box-shadow: var(--ha-card-box-shadow);

One small thing:
The timing forlong_click_keycode: menu on Kodi has a slightly different behaviour now on 3.0.4:
If the press is too short it also sends a select. So it needs a longer press to work properly.
This is my custom key:

    service: kodi.call_method
      entity_id: media_player.kodi
      method: Input.ContextMenu

No big deal, but would be nice if we can set that timing? Or ask you to take a look when you have time?
Many thanks

@nikrays yup, looks like it was a theme issue. secondary-background-color is set to none.

@houser42 oof yeah I can recreate the issue on my Android and test iPhone. Can you make a new bug for this? Edit: Nevermind, should be fixed.

Yes, just confirming that the long_click_keycode: menu is working again here. Many thanks.