Nerixyz / instagram_mqtt

Realtime and Push Notification (FBNS) support for the instagram-private-api

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Unable to fetch realtime comments and view count for live video broadcast

ctle-vn opened this issue · comments

Using the code from the realtime example, here's my adapted code:

  try {
    console.log(`Startaing realtime with broadcast id: ${broadcast_id}`)
    const ig: IgApiClientRealtime = withRealtime(new IgApiClient())
    console.log('Startaing realtime2.')
    console.log('Startaing realtime3.')
    await ig.account.login(ig_username, ig_password)
    console.log('Startaing realtime4.')
    const liveRealtimeCommentsSubscription = GraphQLSubscriptions.getLiveRealtimeCommentsSubscription(broadcast_id)
      `Startaing realtime5, ${JSON.stringify(
      )}, ${typeof liveRealtimeCommentsSubscription}`,
    const sub = await ig.realtime.graphQlSubscribe(liveRealtimeCommentsSubscription)
    console.log(`GraphQL subscription: ${JSON.stringify(sub)}`)
    return sub
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`fucked up ${error}`)
    return {}

Startaing realtime with broadcast id:
Startaing realtime2.
Startaing realtime3.
Startaing realtime4.
Startaing realtime5, "1/graphqlsubscriptions//{"input_data":{"client_subscription_id":<id>,"broadcast_id":""}}", string
fucked up TypeError: Cannot read property 'updateSubscriptions' of undefined

Am I doing something wrong here?

Also was wondering if there was a way for me to get the real time view count for a live video broadcast?


You didn't connect the client. Only a connected client may sub to GQL.

Here you can see how to connect with GQL topics.

Hey @Nerixyz ,

Thanks for the quick response. I've connected the client now, although I'm not entirely familiar with MQTT. I don't see anything being logged when trying to catch new comments on a live video broadcast.

Is there a way for me to pass a callback function whenever the subscribed topic has a new event triggered? Specifically, trigger a callback function when a live broadcast receives a new comment.


You should listen to the liveRealtimeComments event (.on('liveRealtimeComments', ...)).


I also have the same problems