Nerixyz / instagram_mqtt

Realtime and Push Notification (FBNS) support for the instagram-private-api

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Log messages reactions

realrecordzLab opened this issue · comments

How reactions to messages can be logged?
I'm trying to switch the item_type but without success

        case 'text':    
        case 'voice_media':
        case 'like':

Is correct to use the item_type field or I need to check for another field?


I think it's 'like' but you can always debug the code and look at the object yourself.

I think it's 'like' but you can always debug the code and look at the object yourself.

I've debugged the message object and the item_type when a reaction is added will not change from text, it will be added a reactions field to the object. Maybe the like type is used for something else I think?

  path: '/direct_v2/threads/340282366841710300949128164834416/items/298190345918394327730975435139',
  op: 'replace',
  thread_id: '340282366841710300949128164834416',
  item_id: '298190345918394327730975',
  user_id: 195132185,
  timestamp: 1616493104294636,
  reactions: { likes: [ [Object] ], likes_count: 1 },
  item_type: 'text',
  text: "Some text",
  client_context: '678006349357978',
  show_forward_attribution: false,
  is_shh_mode: false

@realrecordzLab What version are you using? I'm not getting the reactions property