Nerian / bootstrap-wysihtml5-rails

WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap, integrated in Rails assets pipeline

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Move to central organisation?

manuelmeurer opened this issue · comments


I am the maintainer of three gems similar to this one that make it easier to use Twitter Bootstrap in Ruby projects (,,

I was thinking about moving all those gems to a separate organisation (like "bootstrap-ruby") and wanted to get some feedback from other maintainers of similar gems (and the community at large) if that makes sense and if we could use this to make it easier for people to find gems to work with Bootstrap in Ruby (Rails, Sinatra, etc.)
I think it would also invite other people to contribute to those projects if they were united in a central organisation.

What do you think?
Would you be willing to move this repo to such an organisation as well?

Sounds like a good idea

Cool! I set up the organisation (, moved the three repos I maintain and one more already. If you want to go ahead, I will make you a admin of the organisation temporarily, so you can move the repo, and then make you an admin of the repo again.
Shall we proceed? 😺

@Nerian Do you want to go ahead with this?


Sorry for taking so long to follow up. I have been thinking about this.

I won't be moving the repo for now. I find it easier to manage this project having the repository on my own account and I believe this project can be found pretty easily by just using at google.


Ok, no problem!