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Missed convert TIS file into PVRZ-based TIS format

simeonkosnitsky opened this issue · comments

"argent77 Post: June 2015
Update: NearInfinity v1.36-20150619
TIS: Added option to convert (legacy) palette-based TIS files into the new PVRZ-based TIS format."
"argent77 Posted 31 January 2018 - 04:52 AM
Convert all your tilesets into the PVRZ-based TIS format with Near Infinity and include them in your mod.
Can't find this option, even in old release "NearInfinity v1.36-20150619".
"Mass export" possibly can do this, but it skip files in override folder, so it is unusefull in this case.

Select a tis file (either in tis or override folder), then export as PVRZ-based tis.

Big thanks, this feature really works, just fixed map YS1000.tis (~30mb) (looks from FishingForTrouble\areas\Porthpentyrch\ys1000), all line garbage on area disappear (line-free tis+PVRZ).
BTW it is better to add this info to:
It works only from right bottom panel of NearInfinity with pressing on "Export..".
This feature is not available by right mouse click on tis file then on "Export".
Also it takes about 1-2 hour to convert it on i7-2600k, and show garbage tiles in bottom after conversion if open result in NearInfinity (v2.1-20180615)

Right-click on files in the resource tree will only show the standard operations available to all resource types. Resource-specific options are usually only available in the main window of an opened resource. I'll make a note to add this info to the wiki.

1-2 hours conversion time is quite long indeed. On my 5 years old system it takes about 3-5 minutes to convert a map as large as YS1000. However, the whole process is highly computation-intensive. Using older CPUs with less powerful instruction sets, or possibly using older Java Runtime versions, may take considerably longer.

The "garbage" tiles are actually needed by the game to properly render (water) overlays or other special features of tilesets.

I'll mark this issue as closed, since a solution has already been found.