NativeScript / ios-jsc

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NativeScript could not load bundle file:///<...>/Library/Frameworks/SensorKit.framework

jessorlisa opened this issue · comments


  • CLI:
    ├── nativescript@7.0.11
  • Cross-platform modules:
    ├── @nativescript/core@7.0.13
  • iOS Runtime:
    ├── @nativescript/ios@7.0.4
  • XCode Version:
    12.1 (12A7403)
  • Plugins:
    ├── @nativescript/angular@10.1.7

Describe the bug
When running ns run ios on any simulator or device with iOS < 14 the following error occurs:
NativeScript could not load bundle file:///Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS%2013.5.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/SensorKit.framework

This happens not with iOS 14.
(From my understanding SensorKit.framework is only available in iOS 14.0+, so this is expected.)

To Reproduce
Run NativeScript aoo on any simulator or device with iOS < 14:

% ns create test-ios-sensorkit --ng
% cd test-ios-sensorkit
% ns run ios --no-hmr

Expected behavior
No error or any advice how to find the culprit ;)

Additional context

Update: This is not happening with the JSC runtime @nativescript/ios@6.5.3.

Please note this is a warning that I believe only happens on Simulators. This has NO effect on a running application on a simulator OR a real device. If someone wants to trace down why the warning appears on a simulator; we would accept some fixes; but otherwise it creates no issue against a running application.