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publish ios error: The SwiftSupport folder is missing

Serge-SDL opened this issue · comments


I try to pusblish my app on AppStore and everything works well: build cmd and publish cmd but then I received an email from App store connect:

ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.

I saw some answers like this: but I don't know how to apply this on nativescript.

can anyone help on this ?

Are you using Xcode 11.4 to build your app?


yes, I use the last version.
I managed to comple my app since but without using cli...

Can you try cleaning your platforms/ios folder and performing a publish build once more? After that please check whether the .ipa package contains a folder named SwiftSupport (You can change its extension to .zip and extract it). Also, you can search for files named libswiftFoundation.dylib and report if and where they are found in the platforms/ios directory and in the extracted .ipa.

I also have the same issue and I use distribution provisioning profile. I also tried doing this with Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries option enabled from the xcode project.

@mbektchiev i have same issue. Yes, i have some swift library in my app file

Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.

Maybe you need to upgrade Xcode to the latest (12.3) version...

@mbektchiev Prodict ~> Archive works for me. I'm used just build.
