NationalBankBelgium / stark

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Multi-sorting on stark-table not working after sorting on single field

mhenkens opened this issue · comments

I'm submitting a...

[ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release)
[x] Bug report  
[ ] Feature request
[ ] Documentation issue or request
[ ] Support request => Please do not submit support request here, instead see

Current behavior

When using multisorting on the table, and then using the click on the arrow of a field, and set a new sort with the sort dialog the mutltisort is not display correctly on the table header

Expected behavior

Multi sort display correctly

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions

Step 1:
Access the screen where multi-sorting is defined as depicted in tableDefaultOrder property
Step 2:
Sort on any single field on the table
Step 3:
Add new fields in multi-sorting menu.
Step4 save

What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?


Angular version: X.Y.Z
Stark version: X.Y.Z

- [ ] Chrome (desktop) version XX
- [ ] Chrome (Android) version XX
- [ ] Chrome (iOS) version XX
- [ ] Firefox version XX
- [ ] Safari (desktop) version XX
- [ ] Safari (iOS) version XX
- [ ] IE version XX
- [ ] Edge version XX
For Tooling issues:
- Node version: XX  
- Platform:  
