NathanaelA / nativescript-platform-css

A NativeScript plugin to deal with Declarative UI and Platform specific CSS

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Not working for me

lumayara opened this issue · comments

Hi. I have added the require ("nativescript-platform-css"); in the page I need to change the css and in my css I put

.ios1024 :host .grade {
  padding-top: 55%;
  padding-bottom: 55%;

and is not working. I also tried using /deep/ but no success.
If I removed the 1024 and only leave .ios :host .grade, it will work but I need the specific config for a 1024 screen.
Is there anything else I should have done?

I have found another way to do it without plugins but will keep watching my question in case I need to use this plugin in future projects.

@lumayara - Are you sure you are using the latest ns-platform and ns-platform-css?

This is not working to me too, I uses the last versión of ios, core modules and platform-css

@isaacfi -

  1. Are you using using NS 4.x or 3.x
  2. Are you using Angular; Vue, or Plain NativeScript.
  1. 4.x
  2. Angular

I've noticed that /deep/ works to override properties, but if I want to complement a class I have to avoid to use /deep/ I don't know if this is the right behavior.

I am using nativescript 4.0.1 and angular 5.1.0 and the latest version of nativescript-platform-css.

I'm using the iphone5s, iphone6 and iphonex classes and it works perfectly.
I follow the documentation instructions where I want to specify a resolution using ios640 and ios1242 but it does not work.

.ios640 :host .test { margin: 6px; width: 22px; line-height: 22px; font-size: 10px; }

Same for me.

  • Device: Android. Using emulator to test the app.
  • Dev Machine: MacOS
  • Framework: Angular
  • nativescript-platform-css: "^1.6.5",
  • sass-loader: "~6.0.6"
  • css-loader: "~0.28.7",
  • tns-android: "4.0.1"
  • tns-ios: "4.0.1"

This does not work:
.android480 :host button {
@extend %button-shared;
font-size: 19;
height: 44

This works
.android400 :host button {
@extend %button-shared;
font-size: 19;
height: 44

Appreciate your help on this.

@DeepakArora76 -

  1. When starting up the application; what screen size does the platform-css say the device is?
  2. Which emulator (i.e. what is its settings on it).

@gustavost26 the sizes are:
There is no 640 unless you add it to the list.

Unfortunately /deep/ and/or :host are required with Angular because of the way it does CSS rewritting.

Yeah I'm on NS4.1 and not using Angular, and I can't seem to get it to work either.

If I manually add class="ios" to a page then the iOS styling kicks in, so I know the CSS is correct.

Hey @NathanaelA can you just confirm if it should work with NS4x? Thanks for your help man!

Ok, working now. It must have been related to the syncing of the modified code - stopped and started the compiler, uninstalled it off the devices and now it works fine. Thanks @NathanaelA!

@datanotion - Pat, thanks for the confirmation that you got it fixed in your case. 😀




Those are demo app page on a phone and tablet emulators, guess thats working,

Then I've added a grid layout like this the same page

and the css like this

.phone .home-grid{
background-color: red;

background-color: black;

and grid colour stays white, it doesn't seems to pick up the css

if I just use this

background-color: red;

then its changing background colour on both the phone and tablet.

Am I missing anything here to get it working?

@yalva - That should work; I don't see anything obvious why it wouldn't. I'll try running a test and see what happens. I assume this is NS 4.x


Yes, it is NS 4.1.1

@yalva -
So I upgraded the project to be NS4.1.3 to verify no issues with 4.x


.homegrid {
    background-color: purple;
    height: 50;

.phone .homegrid{
    background-color: red;

I added a default .homegrid css; so that if the phone didn't override it; I would get a purple grid. 😁


    <GridLayout rows="auto,auto">
    <StackLayout class="p-20">
        <Label text="ns-platform-css" class="h1 text-center"/>
        <TextView height="300" text="{{ data }}" editable="false" backgroundColor="#d3d3d3"/>
        <Label tap="{{ tap }}" row="1" text="(c)2015-2018, Master Technology" class="text-center copyright"/>
    <GridLayout class="homegrid">

Shows a red grid of 100px high after the copyright.

Thanks for your help @NathanaelA !