NathanCheshire / Cyder

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OsUtil build path/file improvements

NathanCheshire opened this issue · comments

I think a builder pattern would improve readability of these:

File myFile = new OsUtil.FileBuilder("src").add("components").add("").getAsFile();

We could also have addFirst, addLast, addAtIndex, and some other fun utility functions.

 * A builder for resources such as Paths, Files, and directories.
public final class ResourceBuilder {
     * The linked list holding the path pargs.
    private final LinkedList<String> pathParts;

     * Constructs a new resource builder.
     * @param firstPathPart the first part of the path to build
    public ResourceBuilder(String firstPathPart) {

        pathParts = new LinkedList<>();

     * Adds the provided path part to the end of the path parts list.
     * @param pathPart the path part to add
    public ResourceBuilder add(String pathPart) {


     * Adds the provided path parts to the end of the path parts list.
     * Note: the order of the list is maintained as the parts are added to the internal parts list.
     * @param parts the parts to add sequentially
    public ResourceBuilder add(List<String> parts) {


     * Adds the provided part to the beginning.
     * @param pathPart the part to add
    public ResourceBuilder addFirst(String pathPart) {


     * Adds the provided path parts to the start of the path parts list.
     * Note: the order of the list is maintained as the parts are added to the interal parts list.
     * @param parts the parts to add sequentially
    public ResourceBuilder addFirst(List<String> parts) {

        ImmutableList<String> defensiveParts = ImmutableList.copyOf(parts);

        for (int i = defensiveParts.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {

     * Constructs and returns a resource path using the provided paths.
     * @return a resource path using the provided paths
    public String getPath() {
        return constructFormattedPath();

    * Constructs and returns a new file object using the provided paths.
    * @return a new file object using the provided paths
    public File getFile() {
        File ret = new File(constructFormattedPath());
        return ret;

     * Constructs and returns a new directory object using the provided paths.
     * @return a new directory object using the provided paths
    public File getDirectory() {
        File ret = new File(constructFormattedPath());
        return ret;

     * Constructs and returned a formatted path using the current state of the parts list.
     * @return a formatted path using the provided path parts
    private String constructFormattedPath() {
        StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
        pathParts.forEach(part -> {
            ret.add(parts.replaceAll("^/+", "").replaceAll("/+$", ""));
        return ret.toString();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int hashCode() {
        return pathParts.hashCode();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String toString() {
        return "ResourceBuilder{pathParts=" + pathParts + "}";

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) {
            return true;
        } else if (!(o instanceof ResourceBuilder)) {
            return false;

        ResoruceBuilder other = (ResoruceBuilder) o ;
        return pathParts.equals(other.pathParts);