Nanoseb / ncTelegram

A ncurse Telegram client developed in Python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using it on OSX

fr0zn opened this issue · comments

Its possible to use it on OSX?. Im having problems.

I don't know, probably, but if you don't explain the issue I can't help you.

I have solved it. The problem was unziping the release version, asking me to replace a file. So i renamed the problematic file.

  creating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/.gitignore
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/LICENSE
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/ncTelegram.conf
   creating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/ncTelegram/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/ncTelegram/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/ncTelegram/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/ncTelegram/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/ncTelegram/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/ncTelegram/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/ncTelegram/
replace ncTelegram-0.9.6/nctelegram? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: r
new name: ncTegram-0.9.6/nc_telegram
  inflating: ncTegram-0.9.6/nc_telegram
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/
  inflating: ncTelegram-0.9.6/t_logo.png

Then changed in this line:


Finally, I installed it with pip3 and seams to work fine.

Ok that's weird, file name are not case sensitive on osx ?
and why didn't you install it directly with pip3 install --upgrade ?

Yes, they are case sensitive but don't let me unzip it anyway. I tried the direct pip install and i got the same problem but with tmp files.

IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/var/folders/mv/wkcszm4x5rd2f3hgsztbphwh0000gn/T/pip-vw3mqlij-build/nctelegram'

Ok so the problem is that HPFS and HFS+ are not case sensitive (

And I am not going to rename neither the class nor the executable. So OSX users will have to do that by hand.