NamelesssNerd / Docker

This is the repository for beginner who wants to learn docker.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker setUp with react project: create Dockerfile

command descriptions
FROM node:18 Pull the nodejs docker image from dockerhub
WORKDIR /app working directory for docker image
COPY ./package*.json ./ copy package file into docker [package.json and package.lock.json]
RUN yarn install installing required dependencies into the docker container
COPY . . copy all the file and folder from local to docker container home or working directory
CMD [ "yarn","run","dev" ] Entry point for docker container

Configuration vite.config.js

Note: Needed only with vite

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  server: {
    watch: {
      usePolling: true,
    host: true, // Here
    strictPort: true,
    port: 3000,

Docker image CLI

Commands Descriptions
docker search <image_name> Search docker image in docker hub Eg: ubuntu
docker run ubuntu Pull the ubuntu image and make a container with default name
docker pull downloads an image from a registry. Example: docker pull ubuntu
docker build builds an image from a Dockerfile. Example: docker build.
docker tag : tags an image with a repository and tag. Example: docker tag my-image my-repo:1.0
docker push : pushes an image to a registry. Example: docker push my-repo:1.0
docker rmi removes an image. Example: docker rmi my-image
docker image prune -a remove all the unused docker images
docker inspect <image_id> gives the information about the installed docker image having the current image_id
docker image rm <image_id> remmoving the docker image with given image_id
docker image ls ,docker images list all the running docker images
docker build -t testreact-image location-path [if same file write only .] building the docker image
docker run --name container-name --rm image-name running the docker image with custome name
docker run --rm --name conatiner-name -d -p source-port:destination-port image-name accessing the docker image from outsidde it docker run --rm --name docker-test-container -it -p 3000:3000 docker-test-image
docker run --rm --name container-name -d -p source-por:destination-port -v $(pwd):/app image-name accessing the docker image from outsidde it and auto sync when any change is happened
docker stop image-name or <image_id> stop the relevent docker image

Docker container CLI

Commands Descriptions
docker container ls --all List all the docker running container
docker excute <container_name> <your_command> run the command inside the docker container without intering inside it
eg: docker excute sushant mkdir newFolder
docker run creates and starts a container based on the specified image. Example: docker run nginx
docker start starts a stopped container. Example: docker start my-container
docker stop stops a running container. Example: docker stop my-container
docker rm removes a stopped container. Example: docker rm my-container
docker ps lists all running containers. Example: docker ps
docker ps -a lists all containers, including stopped ones. Example: docker ps -a
docker logs <container_id> displays the logs of a container. Example: docker logs my-container
docker volume ls list all the available docker volume
docker run -v {pwd}:/app [...etc] helps to mount the current directory with docker %cd%: for cmd window instead of ${pwd}
docker volume rm <volume_name> remove the related docker volume
docker run -it -P Automatic port mapping Note: add Expose <your_port> into the Dockerfile eg:3000
docker tag <your_image> <custome_name> giving the the custom tag name to the docker image
docker push <Your_image> pushing the docker image into Docker hub
docker run -it -v /yourPath:/home/app ubuntu attaching the host volume
docker compose up make ready numbers of containers at a time Note: create docker-compose.yml file
docker compose down Killing all the composed container Note: Docker composed into the stack
docker compose up -d compose all the caontainer and run it in background mode. Note: other service can be used at same time


This is the repository for beginner who wants to learn docker.


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%