NamPNQ / bower-videogular-youtube

Videogular `youtube` plugin repository for distribution on `bower`

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Not load youtube videos...

brunocascio opened this issue · comments

I don't understand...

My code:

var jukebox = angular.module('jukebox',['jukeboxFilters',
    function($scope, $sce) {
        $scope.currentTime = 0;
        $scope.totalTime = 0;
        $scope.state = null;
        $scope.volume = 1;
        $scope.isCompleted = false;
        $scope.API = null;

        $scope.onPlayerReady = function(API) {
            $scope.API = API;   

        $scope.onCompleteVideo = function() {
            $scope.isCompleted = true;

        $scope.onUpdateState = function(state) {
            $scope.state = state;

        $scope.onUpdateTime = function(currentTime, totalTime) {
            $scope.currentTime = currentTime;
            $scope.totalTime = totalTime;

        $scope.onUpdateVolume = function(newVol) {
            $scope.volume = newVol;

        $scope.onUpdateSize = function(width, height) {
            $scope.config.width = width;
            $scope.config.height = height;

        $scope.stretchModes = [
            {label: "None", value: "none"},
            {label: "Fit", value: "fit"},
            {label: "Fill", value: "fill"}

        $scope.config = {
            width: 300,
            height: 300,
            autoHide: false,
            autoHideTime: 3000,
            autoPlay: false,
            responsive: false,
            stretch: $scope.stretchModes[1],
            sources: [
                {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/youtube"},
                /*{src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"},
                {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/webm"},
                {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/ogg"}*/
            transclude: true,
            theme: {
                url: "styles/themes/default/videogular.css"
            plugins: {
                poster: {
                    url: "assets/images/videogular.png"
                ads: {
                    companion: "companionAd",
                    companionSize: [728, 90],
                    network: "6062",
                    unitPath: "iab_vast_samples",
                    adTagUrl: "[referrer_url]&correlator=[timestamp]&cust_params=iab_vast_samples%3Dlinear"

        $scope.changeSource = function() {
            $scope.config.sources = [
                {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"},
                {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/webm"}

and view:

            vg-width="config.width" vg-height="config.height" 

            <video id='player' class='videoPlayer' vg-src="config.sources" preload='metadata'></video>


But not error show, and not load video youtube...

I try with http and https.

Help ?

Temporary you can use videogular in tree:

I will update my code soon

Duplicate of #9

having same issue now

@rubenCodeforges What problem you face?

@NamPNQ figured out that the ytplayer obj ,after the directive is fully intitialized , looks like this
As you can see no method for playing video etc.
This happens because the destroyYoutubePlayer is called several times.
By the way to exclude any issues that could be happen due to my code ive hardcoded this part

ytplayer = new YT.Player('yTest', {
                                            videoId: 'I7ZUkd44-Co',
                                            height: '390',
                                            width: '640'

Also i am using jade as template engine.

And yeh if i comment out

                        function destroyYoutubePlayer() {

The player object will have all its methods

BTW im usin yeoman angular-gulp-generator

Please paste your code in jsbin

its hard , as it is a big project , i can make just this snippets

videogular(vg-theme="config.theme.url" , vg-player-ready='onPlayerReady($API)')
            vg-media(ng-if="video.embed", vg-src="[{src:videos[0].url}]", vg-youtube="rel=1;showinfo=0")
            vg-controls(vg-autohide="config.plugins.controls.autoHide", vg-autohide-time="config.plugins.controls.autoHideTime")
              vg-time-display {{ currentTime | date:'mm:ss':'+0000' }}
              vg-time-display {{ timeLeft | date:'mm:ss':'+0000' }}
            vg-next-video(ng-if='nextVideos' vg-src='nextVideos' vg-time='5000')


(function() {
  'use strict';

    .constant('video_config', {
      theme: {
        url: ''
      plugins: {
        controls: {
          autoHide: true,
          autoHideTime: 5000
        ads: {
          companion: "companionAd",
          container: "contentElement",
          companionSize: [728, 90],
          network: "6062",
          unitPath: "iab_vast_samples",
          adTagUrl: "",
          skipButton: "<div class='skipButton'>skip ad</div>"
        analytics: {
          category: "Videogular",
          label: "Main",
          events: {
            ready: true,
            play: true,
            pause: true,
            stop: true,
            complete: true,
            progress: 10


directives controller :

  function videoBoxController($scope, $sce, Video, video_config) {
    $scope.config = video_config;

Could be an interaction problem with ads.

Can you try disabling ads?

@2fdevs sorry its a bit later version , i tried before ads where added

BTW Currently working with outcommented destroy , works well and with ads and with youtube wrapper

If it's working I undestand that you don't need help then?

Anyway, I'm curious why it doesn't works for you with the destroy.

Please, open a new issue if you need further help, ok? :)

@2fdevs yes without destroy its workin , its not good, but i dont have much time to contribute , sorry for that i would open a pr but cant investigate the problem deeper because of time lack.

@rubenCodeforges np, I will try to investigate by my own :)

@2fdevs ill be wathcing updates thanks , also perhaps ill be pushing a vimeo integration to his module .

@rubenCodeforges that would be awesome!! 💃

Already working on it ;)