Naereen / Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme

A :iphone: responsive theme for Nginx Fancyindex module :wrench:. Minimal, modern and simple. ☀ Light & 😎 Dark themes. Comes with a search form :mag_right:, aims to handle thousands of files without any problems :open_file_folder:

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comNaereen/Nginx-Fancyindex-ThemeRepository from Github https://github.comNaereen/Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme


sudocodus opened this issue · comments


Hello @sudocodus,
Please write in English, I'm not fluent in Chinese. (I used Google Translate)
Yes, I am still alive, but this project is no longer actively maintained.
Do you have a question?

Hello, thank you for your reply, you did this project is very useful, I used it in the storage and retrieval of my own data, the only regret is that it does not have a pagination function for too much data, I am not familiar with JS scripts, hope to improve it, I don't know if you have time to add this function, each paging shows how many entries as configuration items can be configured, if it can be achieved it is perfect. If you don't add any more features, thank you for your contribution.

Are you the author of this project

I think I initially forked it from someone, who later deleted his/her project so mine got the attention instead. I worked on it a little bit, but not enough to be able to add features.
I'll close this issue now. Bye :-)