Naereen / Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme

A :iphone: responsive theme for Nginx Fancyindex module :wrench:. Minimal, modern and simple. โ˜€ Light & ๐Ÿ˜Ž Dark themes. Comes with a search form :mag_right:, aims to handle thousands of files without any problems :open_file_folder:

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comNaereen/Nginx-Fancyindex-ThemeRepository from Github https://github.comNaereen/Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme

[question] Hi i want to make a dockerfile (and docker-compose file) for this.

ranomier opened this issue ยท comments

Are you interested in supporting them through your repo or should i do one myself?

If i do it myself, i wouldt fork you work. My dockerfile would clone this repo.

If i do it in here, i could copy the files directly into the docker image :)

Greetings :)

Hi @ranomier,
Thanks for your interest ๐Ÿ™.

I have no interest at all in docker, and will not consider testing any dockerfile, or other "container" technology.
So you are most welcome to do this on your own! Just respect the terms of the license of this repository, and do whatever you want ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. (mainly this part of the license, "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", please respect it)

But I must say I'm curious: what exactly do you expect to "contain" in this dockerfile? A ready-to-use nginx server + the fancy_index plugin + this configuration?
Because Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme is far from being self-contained.


Thanks for your answer :)

Yes it should be a ready to be used nginx server with your theme, only for the purpose of sharing files to the wild.

There is a design that docker shares with the idea of an unix principle: "an application should do one thing and that well"
or in docker terms: "Try to let only run one application per docker image"

I will definitely link to you github, source code page and i will mention the link in the docker file itself.

I will not fork you repo then, i will just clone this repo during the image creation process.

Thanks again :)


A clean way could be to use a git submodule (cf. to include my theme in your git repo.

I agree about the global goal of docker. I'm just not excited about it, exactly as Randall's last XKCD says:

This is xkcd? A very cool one.
The funny thing is, docker is the split screen function, in this example. (If done right) :3

I will look at the submodule solution. One thing i use, when i clone, is --depth=1, too minimize the image footprint. Maybe this is posibil with submodules too.

Good day and thank you for you suggestions :)