NVlabs / contact_graspnet

Efficient 6-DoF Grasp Generation in Cluttered Scenes

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generate Contact Grasps and Scenes yourself

styczenavena opened this issue · comments


Im running into an issue while trying to generate contant grasps and scenens myslef. I want use my own gripper.

Steps I did:

  1. Download Acronym dataset
  2. run python tools/create_contact_infos.py /home/avena/Downloads/acronym
    and I'm getting following error:
Root folder /home/avena/Downloads/acronym/
Failed to establish dbus connectionComputing grasp contacts...
Reading:  /home/avena/Downloads/acronym/grasps/Chair_47ac4f73d91f8ff0c862eec8232fff1e_0.006926674889814925.h5
positive grasps: (1837, 4, 4) negative grasps: (163, 4, 4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tools/create_contact_infos.py", line 124, in <module>
    save_contact_data(pcreader, grasp_path)
  File "tools/create_contact_infos.py", line 95, in save_contact_data
    pcreader.change_object(cad_path, cad_scale)
  File "/home/avena/software/contact_graspnet/contact_graspnet/data.py", line 679, in change_object
    self._renderer.change_object(cad_path, cad_scale)
AttributeError: 'SceneRenderer' object has no attribute 'change_object'
********** terminating renderer **************

Do I need to download ShapeNet meshes and make them watertight too?

yes you need to follow all steps described in the Readme :-)
