NVIDIA / retinanet-examples

Fast and accurate object detection with end-to-end GPU optimization

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

rotated bounding box clarification

alnah005 opened this issue · comments

I'm currently working on a rotated bounding box task and I was wondering what the --absolute-angle flag really does. Specifically, I'm wondering whether -180 and 180 is equivalent to setting the --absolute-angle flag.

Additionally, what is the role of having a zero between -45 and 45 here?

--absolute-angle is used for rotating image for data augmentation.

The second angle is used for generating the anchor in feature pyramid levels.

--absolute-angle is used for rotating image for data augmentation.

The second angle is used for generating the anchor in feature pyramid levels.

If --absolute-angle is used for rotating images for augmentation, then what about --augment-rotate and --augment-free-rotate?

Please check this part of the code.

--augment-free-rotate was added as an option but never used.

main.py contains descriptions for these arguments. Do check it out.

I've checked main.py and it wasn't clear to me what the difference was. I was hoping I can get a sentence or two that explain the exact difference, but if you think the difference is obvious I'll keep digging. Thank you for your help.