NVIDIA / Fuser

A Fusion Code Generator for NVIDIA GPUs (commonly known as "nvFuser")

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pad propagation and replay issues.

jjsjann123 opened this issue · comments

Mostly just an issue for myself to record progress while working on #1597 :

On the preseg transformation branch, I'm applying a transformation that pushes pad out and replaces CatOp with a binary add.

Repro branch here #2373

repro script:

from nvfuser import FusionDefinition, DataType

def nvfuser_fusion_id0(fd : FusionDefinition) -> None :
    T0 = fd.define_tensor(shape=[-1, -1, -1], contiguity=[True, True, True], dtype=DataType.Float, is_cpu=False, stride_order=[2, 1, 0])
    T1 = fd.define_tensor(shape=[-1, -1, -1], contiguity=[True, True, True], dtype=DataType.Float, is_cpu=False, stride_order=[2, 1, 0])
    S2 = fd.define_scalar(0.297302, dtype=DataType.Double)
    #T3 = fd.ops.mul(T1, S2)
    T3 = fd.ops.relu(T1)
    T4 = fd.ops.cat([T0, T3], -1)

with FusionDefinition() as fd:

inputs = [
    torch.randn((100,), dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda:0').as_strided((2, 5, 10), (50, 10, 1)),
    torch.randn((30,), dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda:0').as_strided((2, 5, 3), (15, 3, 1)),

Here's the fusion IR before the transformation

  T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1}, iS2{i2} ], float
  T1_g[ iS3{i4}, iS4{i5}, iS5{i6} ], float
  T5_g[ iS17{i0}, iS18{i1}, iS22{( i2 + i6 )} ], float

%kernel_math {
i15 = i2 + i6;
i17 = -i2;
i19 = i15 + i17;
T3_l[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   = pad( T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1}, iS2{i2} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, i19} )
T2_l[ iS6{i4}, iS7{i5}, iS8{i6} ]
   = relu(T1_g[ iS3{i4}, iS4{i5}, iS5{i6} ]);
i21 = 0 + i2;
T4_l[ iS13{i4}, iS14{i5}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf ]
   = pad( T2_l[ iS6{i4}, iS7{i5}, iS8{i6} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, i21, 0} )
T5_g[ iS17{i0}, iS18{i1}, iS22{( i2 + i6 )} ]
   = cat( T3_l[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ], T4_l[ iS13{i4}, iS14{i5}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf ], 2 )

Here's the fusion IR after the transformation. I have:

  1. moved the pad at the beginning of the fusion.
  2. replayed relu with the padded input.
  3. replace the cat with a add, as well as the one of the input from the pad with the new relu output.
  T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1}, iS2{i2} ], float
  T1_g[ iS3{i4}, iS4{i5}, iS5{i6} ], float
  T8_g[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ], float

%kernel_math {
i15 = i2 + i6;
i17 = -i2;
i19 = i15 + i17;
T3_l[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   = pad( T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1}, iS2{i2} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, i19} )
i21 = 0 + i2;
T6_l[ iS13{i4}, iS14{i5}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf ]
   = pad( T1_g[ iS3{i4}, iS4{i5}, iS5{i6} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, i21, 0} )
T7_l[ iS23{i4}, iS24{i5}, iS25{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )} ]
   = relu(T6_l[ iS13{i4}, iS14{i5}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf ]);
T8_g[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   = T3_l[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   + T7_l[ iS23{i4}, iS24{i5}, iS25{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )} ];

I'm hitting issues with compute_at_map here:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/pytorch/nvfuser/nvfuser/__init__.py", line 145, in execute
    result = self._execute(
RuntimeError: logical_id_uses.find(logical_inp_id) == logical_id_uses.end() INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/compute_at_map.cpp":621, please report a bug with repro script to NVFuser at https://github.com/NVIDIA/Fuser/issues. Was expecting iter domains to only have one active transformation but found id iS11{i2}rf used in
Resize: iS11{i2}rf by 0 and ( ( i2 + i6 ) + ( -i2 ) ) -> iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf

Resize: iS11{i2}rf by 0 and ( ( i2 + i6 ) + ( -i2 ) ) -> iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf

Looks like we are seeing redundant expressions. Maybe there's something in the replay I was using.

More Context

I tried to verify that the transformation is legit. I have a cpp test that generates a similar fusion IR and everything is working fine with the cpp test below.

TEST_F(NVFuserTest, FusionPadDynamicShape) {
  auto fusion = std::make_unique<Fusion>();
  FusionGuard fg(fusion.get());

  TensorView* tv0 = makeContigTensor(3);
  TensorView* tv1 = makeContigTensor(3);

  Val* i15 = add(tv0->axis(2)->extent(), tv1->axis(2)->extent());
  Val* i17 = neg(tv0->axis(2)->extent());
  Val* i19 = add(i15, i17);
  Val* zero = IrBuilder::create<Val>(0);

  TensorView* tv3 = pad(tv0, {zero, i19, zero, zero, zero, zero});

  Val* i21 = add(zero, tv0->axis(2)->extent());
  TensorView* tv6 = pad(tv1, {i21, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero});
  TensorView* tv7 = relu(tv6);
  TensorView* tv8 = add(tv3, tv7);


  auto options = at::TensorOptions().dtype(at::kFloat).device(at::kCUDA, 0);
  at::Tensor t0 = at::randn({2, 5, 10}, options);
  at::Tensor t1 = at::randn({2, 5, 3}, options);
  std::vector<c10::IValue> aten_inputs({t0, t1});

  FusionExecutorCache executor_cache(std::move(fusion));
  auto cg_outputs = executor_cache.runFusionWithInputs(aten_inputs);

      executor_cache.fusion(), cg_outputs, {t0, t1}, __LINE__, __FILE__);

Running with NVFUSER_DUMP=segmented_fusion

Segmented_Fusion Dump: -- Re-written complete fusion:{
  T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i2}, iS2{i3} ], float
  T1_g[ iS24{i0}, iS25{i2}, iS5{i6} ], float
  T5_g[ iS17{i0}, iS18{i2}, iS23{( i3 + i6 )} ], float

%kernel_math {
i7 = i3 + i6;
i9 = -i3;
i11 = i7 + i9;
T2_l[ iS6{i0}, iS7{i2}, iS20{( i3 + i6 )}rf ]
   = pad( T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i2}, iS2{i3} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, i11} )
i20 = 0 + i3;
T3_l[ iS26{i0}, iS27{i2}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i3 ) )}rf ]
   = pad( T1_g[ iS24{i0}, iS25{i2}, iS5{i6} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, i20, 0} )
T4_l[ iS28{i0}, iS29{i2}, iS22{( i6 + ( 0 + i3 ) )} ]
   = relu(T3_l[ iS26{i0}, iS27{i2}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i3 ) )}rf ]);
T5_g[ iS17{i0}, iS18{i2}, iS23{( i3 + i6 )} ]
   = T2_l[ iS6{i0}, iS7{i2}, iS20{( i3 + i6 )}rf ]
   + T4_l[ iS28{i0}, iS29{i2}, iS22{( i6 + ( 0 + i3 ) )} ];

} // {Re-written complete fusion}

The compute_at issue looks like it's coming from idmodel. I'll get a c++ repro and open a separate issue for that. But for the time being, I think I should just catch the exception and brute force the prototype first.

Thread 1 "pt_main_thread" hit Catchpoint 1 (exception thrown), 0x00007ffff77fe4a1 in __cxa_throw () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff77fe4a1 in __cxa_throw () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
#1  0x00007ffdb76b86f2 in nvfuser::nvfCheckFail (func=0x7ffdb7eef705 "build", file=0x7ffdb7eef048 "/opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/compute_at_map.cpp", line=621,
    msg="logical_id_uses.find(logical_inp_id) == logical_id_uses.end() INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at \"/opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/compute_at_map.cpp\":621, please report a bug with repro script to NVFuser at https://
"...) at /opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/exceptions.cpp:274
#2  0x00007ffdb76b8907 in nvfuser::nvfErrorFail (func=0x7ffdb7eef705 "build", file=0x7ffdb7eef048 "/opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/compute_at_map.cpp", line=621,
    condMsg=0x7ffdb7eef8e8 "logical_id_uses.find(logical_inp_id) == logical_id_uses.end() INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at \"/opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/compute_at_map.cpp\":621, please report a bug with repro script to 
NVFuser at https://"...,
    userMsg="Was expecting iter domains to only have one active transformation but found id iS11{i2}rf used in\nResize: iS11{i2}rf by 0 and ( ( i2 + i6 ) + ( -i2 ) ) -> iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf\n\nand\nResize: iS11{i
2}rf b"...) at /opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/exceptions.cpp:300
#3  0x00007ffdb73bf4dc in nvfuser::IterDomainGraph::build (this=0x7fffffffbbf0, fusion=0x7ffda8774e80) at /opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/compute_at_map.cpp:621
#4  0x00007ffdb73bbb66 in nvfuser::IterDomainGraph::IterDomainGraph (this=0x7fffffffbbf0, fusion=0x7ffda8774e80, allow_self_mapping=true) at /opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/compute_at_map.cpp:45
#5  0x00007ffdb7cc5b69 in nvfuser::(anonymous namespace)::checkCanSchedule<nvfuser::ExprEvalScheduler> (fusion=0x7ffda8774e80, runtime_info=..., data_cache=0x0)
    at /opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/scheduler/registry.cpp:185
#6  0x00007ffdb7cc37e0 in nvfuser::SchedulerEntry::canSchedule (sh=nvfuser::ScheduleHeuristic::ExprEval, fusion=0x7ffda8774e80, runtime_info=..., data_cache=0x0)
    at /opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/scheduler/registry.cpp:231
#7  0x00007ffdb7cc3c80 in nvfuser::SchedulerEntry::proposeHeuristics (fusion=0x7ffda8774e80, runtime_info=...) at /opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/scheduler/registry.cpp:295

(gdb) frame 5
#5  0x00007ffdb7cc5b69 in nvfuser::(anonymous namespace)::checkCanSchedule<nvfuser::ExprEvalScheduler> (fusion=0x7ffda8774e80, runtime_info=..., data_cache=0x0)
    at /opt/pytorch/nvfuser/csrc/scheduler/registry.cpp:185
185         if (IterDomainGraph(fusion, /*allow_self_mapping=*/true).hasSelfMapping()) {

(gdb) print fusion->printMath(0)
  T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1}, iS2{i2} ], float
  T1_g[ iS26{i0}, iS27{i1}, iS5{i6} ], float
  T8_g[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ], float

%kernel_math {
T2_l[ iS6{i4}, iS7{i5}, iS8{i6} ]
   = relu(T1_g[ iS26{i0}, iS27{i1}, iS5{i6} ]);
i21 = 0 + i2;
i29 = i21 + i6;
i37 = i6 + i21;
T4_l[ iS13{i4}, iS14{i5}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf ]
   = pad( T2_l[ iS6{i4}, iS7{i5}, iS8{i6} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, i21, 0} )
i15 = i2 + i6;
i17 = -i2;
i19 = i15 + i17;
T3_l[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   = pad( T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1}, iS2{i2} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, i19} )
T5_l[ iS17{i0}, iS18{i1}, iS22{( i2 + i6 )} ]
   = cat( T3_l[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ], T4_l[ iS13{i4}, iS14{i5}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf ], 2 )
Resize: iS11{i2}rf by 0 and ( ( i2 + i6 ) + ( -i2 ) ) -> iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf
i47 = i6 + i21;
Resize: iS15{i6}rf by ( 0 + i2 ) and 0 -> iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf
b49 = blockIdx.x >= 0;
b51 = gridDim.x > 0;
b53 = blockIdx.x < gridDim.x;
b55 = blockIdx.y >= 0;
b57 = gridDim.y > 0;
b59 = blockIdx.y < gridDim.y;
b61 = blockIdx.z >= 0;
b63 = gridDim.z > 0;
b65 = blockIdx.z < gridDim.z;
b67 = threadIdx.x >= 0;
b69 = blockDim.x > 0;
b71 = threadIdx.x < blockDim.x;
b73 = threadIdx.y >= 0;
b75 = blockDim.y > 0;
b77 = threadIdx.y < blockDim.y;
b79 = threadIdx.z >= 0;
b81 = blockDim.z > 0;
b83 = threadIdx.z < blockDim.z;
b85 = i0 > 0;
b87 = i1 > 0;
b89 = i2 > 0;
b91 = i0 > 0;
b93 = i1 > 0;
b95 = i6 > 0;
T6_l[ iS28{i0}, iS29{i1}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf ]
   = pad( T1_g[ iS26{i0}, iS27{i1}, iS5{i6} ], {0, 0, 0, 0, i21, 0} )
T7_l[ iS30{i0}, iS31{i1}, iS25{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )} ]
   = relu(T6_l[ iS28{i0}, iS29{i1}, iS21{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )}rf ]);
T8_g[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   = T3_l[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   + T7_l[ iS30{i0}, iS31{i1}, iS25{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )} ];
s98 = getMetaData(T0_g[ iS0{i0}, iS1{i1}, iS2{i2} ])
s99 = getMetaData(T1_g[ iS26{i0}, iS27{i1}, iS5{i6} ])

NVM... figured out what went wrong earlier.

T8_g[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   = T3_l[ iS9{i0}, iS10{i1}, iS20{( i2 + i6 )}rf ]
   + T7_l[ iS30{i0}, iS31{i1}, iS25{( i6 + ( 0 + i2 ) )} ];

output T8_g shouldn't have the last root id being an rfactor. fixing that resolves the problem... That's a messy bug with lots of noises.....

Note for my self:

  1. double check how output domain should be propagated from binary add (with regarding to both inputs coming from pad (both padded id is rfactor domain), or in the case above there's only one being rfactor domain.
  2. double check how multiple cat would work out as well.
  3. figure out some test case to cover the propagation restriction in implementation. Unary op propagation rule is pretty straightforward, but binary op will be trickier, maybe I can/should wait until binary op supported is added as well.

closing this since it's functional in my PR #2490