NTDXYG / ComFormer

code and data for paper "ComFormer: Code Comment Generation via Transformer and Fusion Method-based Hybrid Code Representation" accepted in DSA2021

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question about evaluating model

youngstudent2 opened this issue · comments

hi, how to evaluate model on test set?
in train.py, test.csv is loaded but not used. In use.py, the demo does not seems to be suitable for batch generating
so I tried to introduce the parameters in use.py into BartModel and call the function eval_model of the class BartModel to eval the test set. the test set is from Hybrid-DeepCom and preprocessed by utils.transformer as #7 mentioned . the model i use is the pretrained model 'NTUYG/ComFormer'
however, the result is

INFO:bart_model:{'eval_loss': 5.0416509765625, 'getListRouge': 0.5193519200892092}

the ROUGE score is about 10.0 lower than that mentioned in the paper
is this method ok ?
thanks for your answer in advance

Wait a little while. I found that DeepCom's current version of dataset partitioning seems to be inconsistent with the previous version.
I will retrain the model and upload it.

我重新下载了最新的DeepCom数据,然后看了一下你issue 7中提出的问题。DeepCom提供的code文件已经做过把数字转成NUM这样的操作了。所以直接用下面的代码进行处理:

def transformer(code):
    code_seq = ' '.join([hump2underline(i) for i in code.split()])
    ast = get_ast(code)
    sbt = get_sbt_structure(ast)
    return code_seq, sbt


Bleu_1: 0.564457
Bleu_2: 0.521086
Bleu_3: 0.488375
Bleu_4: 0.461608
METEOR: 0.411969
ROUGE_L: 0.595989
CIDEr: 4.095886