NLP-CISUC / muahah

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What is it?

Say Something Smart (SSS) is a dialogue engine based on a large corpus of movie subtitles (Subtle).

This specific project - chatuga-SSS - is focused on the implementation of a plug-and-play system composed by multiple distinct agents: each agent gives its own response to the received user input, and the best answer is reached through a set of different decision making strategies.

This a fork from the original project where three external agentl and a new dicision making strategy were added for question awnsering.

How does it work?

Upon receiving input from the user, SSS retrieves the most similar candidates (that is, entries of the Subtle corpus) through Whoosh and sends both the user query and the candidates to all available agents. Subsequently, each agent gives its own answer to the query, and the best answer is delivered to the user.

This process is accomplished through the use of four modules:

  • The DocumentManager module, which indexes each corpus and allows the other SSS modules to retrieve the best candidates to a query.
  • The AgentHandler module, which initializes all of the agents and, upon receiving a user query, delivers the necessary information (query, candidates) to each agent. It also stores the answers of each agent.
  • The Decisor module, which receives the answers generated by the AgentHandler modules and sends them to each decision making strategy. Each strategy returns an answer.
  • The Boss module, which is the main module of this project. It receives a user query, sends it to the AgentHandler, and sends the given answers to the Decisor module, which returns an answer by strategy. The Boss then chooses which answer to return to the user, based on the confidence it has on each strategy.

Getting started


  • Python3
  • The two following commands will install all the requirements for this project
  • pip install requirements.txt
  • python3 -m spacy download pt_core_news_sm
  • Execute the following to install some nltk dependencies:
  • python3
  • >>> import nltk
  • >>>'wordnet')
  • >>>'omw')
  • Finally, to run the program, execute the command python3 The program will prompt you with "Diga algo: ", after which you can type your query.
  • When you desire to end the interaction, type exit.

The following figure shows a high level architecture of the system:


When the user poses a query to the Boss, the query is sent to the AgentHandler, who forwards it to every agent. Each agent returns a list with one or more answers. The set of answers returned by all agents is passed to each decision making strategy, which chooses one to return to the Boss, based on its heuristic. The Boss receives the set of answers returned by all strategies, and chooses one to return to the user based on its confidence on each strategy.


  • Each agent receives the user query and returns a list of answers, with one or more answers. The number of answers to be returned by each agent is defined in the configuration file config/config.xml - <answerAmount>.
  • There are two kinds of agents which can be added:
    • If your agent takes the candidates retrieved by Whoosh using the SubTle corpus and uses some metric to choose the best one, you will create an External Agent, which must extend the abstract superclass Agent and thus implement the method requestAnswer(query), which returns the agent's answer.
    • If your agent uses a different corpus, you will create an instance of a General Agent.
  • The following external agents are available:
    • Cosine
    • Edgar
    • Groot
    • Jaccard
    • Levenshtein
    • Or
    • Yes No
  • The following general agents are available:
    • AMA
    • Covid
  • Agents can be active or inactive, as stated in the corresponding attribute in the config/config.xml.

Adding a new agent:

Creating a General Agent

  • To create a GeneralAgent, it is required to have a file with pairs question-answer, in the format xlsx or csv. It must have the following columns:
    • TÓPICO - the label of the question
    • PERGUNTA - the question
    • RESPOSTA - the answer
  • Optionally, you can have the following columns:
    • FONTE - the source of the pair question-answer
    • PARÁFRASES - a list of paraphrases of the question, separated by '***'
  • In the config.xml in agents.externalAgents.GeneralAgent, change the tag <agentAmount> to match the number of agents and add the following lines, where the attribute name is the name of the new agent:

<excelPath name='NewAgent'>corpora/NewAgent-FAQ.xlsx</excelPath> - path to the file with questions and answers. If you already have a text file in subtitles format, put <excelPath name='NewAgent'>None</excelPath>.

<corpusPath name='NewAgent'>corpora/NewAgent.txt</corpusPath>- if the value of excelPath is a file, corpusPath is the path where the subtitle version will be created. It does not need to be an existent file. If the value of excelPath is None, this is the path to the existing file with subtitle like questions and answers.

<indexPath name='NewAgent'>resources/whooshIndexes/NewAgent</indexPath> - path to the folder where the Woosh indexes for this agent will be created.

<labelsPath name='NewAgent'>corpora/NewAgentLabels.txt</labelsPath> - path to the file with agent labels, does not need to be an existent file.

  • Optionally, you can have a list of synonyms within the domain of your new agent. This list must be a txt file called sinonimos.txt, where each line contains one word and its synonyms in the following format:


  • If one of the synonyms is found in a user query, it will be replaced by the main word. This file must be in a folder with the agent's name inside GeneralAgent, for example, agents.externalAgents.GeneralAgent.NewAgent.sinonimos.txt

  • Optionally, you can also have a list of acronyms within the domain of your new agent. This list must be a txt file called acronimos.txt, where each line contains an acronym and its expansion in the following format:


  • For efficiency reasons, if the expansion of an acronym is found in a user query, it will be replaced by the acronym. This file must be in a folder with the agent's name inside GeneralAgent, for example, agents.externalAgents.GeneralAgent.NewAgent.acronimos.txt

Creating an External Agent

  • An external agent is defined by two components: the configuration file, and the source code.
  • The configuration file serves as the header of the agent, allowing it to be detected and added to the pool of available agents. It also allows the user to set configurable parameters without directly interacting with the source code. Each agent has its own configuration file.
  • The source code of the agent is composed by one or more source files, whose goal is to deliver an answer upon receiving a user query (and, optionally, a set of candidates).
1. Adding the new agent to the project's configuration files
  • Agents can be activated and deactivated in the config.xml file: <agents> <agent name="JaccardAgent" active="1"/> <agent name="LevenshteinAgent" active="0"/> </agents> In the previous example, JaccardAgent is activated, while LevenshteinAgent is deactivated, so the latter will not be instantiated nor will it return an answer.
  • Each agent can have labels associated to it, for example:
    • QUESTION - agent is good at answering questions
    • NON_QUESTION - agent is good at answering non questions
    • YN_QUESTION - agent is good at answering yes/no questions
    • PERSONAL - agent is good at answering personal questions
  • If the agent does not have a particular domain associated, you can just assign it with the QUESTION and NON_QUESTION labels. <externalAgent name="YesNoAgent"> <labels> <label score='1.0'>QUESTION</label> <label score='1.0'>YN_QUESTION</label> </labels> </externalAgent>
2. Paths and Directories

Before you start building your new agent, you should know where it should be placed in order to be found by chatuga-SSS. For the context of building agents, the folder structure of chatuga-SSS is as follows: chatuga-sss └── agents └── externalAgents └── Agent1 ├── config.xml └── └── Agent2 ├── config.xml └── When creating a new agent, the directory containing the source code and config file of the agent should be inside the externalAgents folder, and the configuration file of the agent must be named config.xml.

3. Configuration file

When creating the config.xml file for your agent, you should follow the structure below:

    (other parameters to define)

All defined parameters must be encapsulated by the exterior tag <config>, and the <mainClass> must be defined with the same name as the main class of the agent. If the agent uses the search engine Whoosh to retrieve its answer candidates, the value of <useWhoosh> must be true. Otherwise, it must be false.

4. Source Code

As mentioned before, an agent can have more than one source file, but it must have a main source file. The main file usually has the same name as the agent's folder, and it corresponds to the connection point between chatuga-sss and the agent.

That said, the following indications must be followed when creating a new agent:

  • The agent's main file must be implemented as a class;

  • The agent's class must implement the function requestAnswer(self,userInput,candidates), which receives a userInput string and a candidates array, and must return an answer string.

  • userInput is a string that contains a query made directly to SSS by the user (e.g.: "Como te chamas?").

  • candidates is an array containing the generated candidates for the above user query in the format [CandidateObject1, CandidateObject2, ... , CandidateObjectN]. Candidate objects correspond to instances of the SimpleQA class, found in:

      └── dialog

Decision Making Strategies

  • Each strategy receives the set of answers given by all agents, in the form {agent1: [answer1, ... answerN], ..., agentN: [answer1, ... answerN]}, and returns one to the Boss, according to its heuristic.
  • The available Decision Making Strategies are:
    • Simple Majority - chooses more frequent answer
    • Priority System - chooses the answer of the agent with highest priority
    • Weighted Vote - chooses the answer based on the weights given to each agent while training in learning mode
    • Yes No - chooses an answer that contains 'Yes' or 'No'
    • Or - chooses an answer with the phrase before or after the word 'or'
    • Query Agent - chooses the answer of the agent whose domain is the same as the query domain
    • Answers Impersonal - chooses an answer classified as impersonal
    • Query Answer - chooses the answer that is closer to the question
  • Each strategy has a weight associated, which is used by the Boss to choose the final answer to be returned to the user. It can be changed in the config/config.xml.

Adding a new Decision Making Strategy:

  • Given a set of answers, a Decision Making Strategy chooses one of them, according to its heuristics. For example, SimpleMajority chooses the most given answer, and YesNoStrategy chooses an answer which contains "yes" or "no".
    1. A decision making strategy can be implemented in a single file: in folder decisionMakingStrategies, create a new subclass of DecisionMethod. This class must have a method getAnswer, which returns an answer.
    1. Add the name of the new class and corresponding class and arguments to, respectively, the dictionaries all_strategies and args_by_strategy of
    1. add it to the config.xml file (tag <decisionMethod>) and give it a weight, considering that all weights must sum to 100.

Project configurations

  • There are three files for project configurations, all in the config folder: config.xml, agents_config.xml and corpora_config.xml.
  • config.xml: this is the overall project configuration file. It contains all agents and whether they are active or not, as seen in section "Adding a new agent"; it contains the existing decision making strategies and corresponding weights. It also contains the tag <corpusPath>, where the corpus to use is defined. NOTE: if you add a new corpus, new whoosh indexes will be created, which may take a long time if the corpus is large (SubTle has 19 million lines and took about 9 hours).
  • agents_config.xml: this file contains the labels associated to each agent.
  • corpora_config.xml: this file contains information about the corpora used in this project.

Deploy on Slack

  • Slack deployment requires the following:
  • pip install pyngrok
  • pip install slackclient>=2.0.0
  • pip install slackeventsapi>=2.1.0
  • pip install Flask>=1.1.1
  • pip install certifi
    1. Open two terminal windows.
    1. Run ngrok http 8080 on one of them.
    1. Run python3 on the other.
    1. Copy the URL in the 'Following' field of the ngrok command output and paste it into the 'Request URL' field in Slack's app Event Subscriptions (, followed by /slack/events.
    • example:
  • The bot app will then be available in the workspace



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