NLAFET / block_cimmino

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The Augmented Block Cimmino Distributed Solver

Note: Check for more details.

Tested plateforms


  • Linux x86_64 with GNU 4.7 and 4.8 compilers,``MKL``, ACML, OpenBLA reference blas and lapack.

Not Working

  • Fujitsu FX with Fujitsu compilers:
    • PaToH is not compatible (users have to request a compatible version from the authors)
    • Our Logging library is not compatible with Fujitsu compilers, should work with GNU compilers.
  • Microsoft Windows:
    • MUMPS does not support Windows (there is an unofficial guide to compile it under Windows, but we
do not provide any pre-compiled library for it)
  • PaToH is not compatible (users have to request a compatible version from the authors)

You can disable PaToH by running cmake with the option -DPATOH=OFF.

Not Tested

  • Mac OSX was not tested but should be fully compatible.

Obtaining the source code

The ABCD Solver depends on a few external libraries: MUMPS, Sparselib++ (custom), PaToH, lapack, Boost::MPI and Boost::Serialization version 1.50 or higher.

  • Sparselib++ (custom): a modified version of SparseLib++ to suits our needs, is also distributed with our solver in the lib/sparselib directory. The library is already compiled, but you still can recompile it by running make all in lib/sparselib directory.
  • MUMPS is mandatory. It is recommended to use the latest version (currently 5.1.2) but any version ulterior to 5.1.0 is okay. MUMPS is available freely on demand on the MUMPS consortium website "". For versions older than 5.1.0, add the compilation flag "-DOLD_MUMPS" to CMAKE_C_FLAGS/CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS in the CMakeLists.txt file in order to avoid issues in the scaling part.
  • PaToH: Can be downloaded from the webpage of Ümit V. Çatalyürek (URL available in the following script). The path libpatoh.a and the header patho.h must be respectively provided in LIB_DIRS and INC_DIRS of the abcdCmake configuration file.
  • BLAS and LAPACK are both mandatory. We provide configurations to build the solver using ACML, MKL and OpenBLAS.
  • BLACS and ScaLAPACK are required by MUMPS, therefore they are needed when you link your software with the solver. We explicitly require them so that we can build the examples.
  • Boost::MPI and Boost::Serialization are provided with the solver in the lib folder and are compiled at the same time as the abcd library. You can still provide an external Boost library by specifying BOOST_ROOT in the configuration file Be careful that we do not guaranty compatibility with every version of Boost.
  • Boost::MPI requires MPI and so does MUMPS. You can install it either from source or through your distribution repositories. The solver was tested with versions 1.47, 1.49 and 1.54. However, we recommend to use versions higher than 1.50.

The installation can be done by typing the following commands in your terminal

# download the latest stable version
# it will create a directory named abcd

git clone

# download the appropriate version of patoh from

Now that everything is ready, we can compile the solver. To do so, we need a configuration file from the directory, suppose we are going to use the ACML library that provides BLAS and LAPACK.

# get the appropriate configuration file

cp ./

To use MKL instead, copy the file

# get the appropriate configuration file

cp ./

You can use the Intel® Math Kernel Library Link Line Advisor to customize the configuration.

Edit the file so that it reflects your configuration (path to libraries, file names, path to MPI, etc).

Building the library

The build process is done using cmake:

# create a building directory

mkdir build

# run cmake

cd build
cmake ..

# if everything went correctly you can run make


# the files will be in directory lib/

ls lib # gives libabcd.a

If cmake does not finish correctly, here are some possible reasons:

  • mpic++ is either not installed or there is an issue with mpi libraries, check also that you

gave the right path in your file. * Boost is either not installed, or the version is too old. Check that Boost::MPI is installed. * The path to some libraries or headers is not well defined in

Running ABCD

You can run the solver without having to write a code (as we do in the next section). After building the library, a binary is created called abcd_run, it uses a configuration file that you will find in the directory test/src/ that you need to copy to your build directory.

cd build
cp ../ .

# to try ABCD on a provided small test matrix, without having to write any code,
# abcd_run looks by default for the file in the current directory

mpirun -np 16 ./abcd_run

You can also give the executable the path to your configuration file:

mpirun -np 16 ./abcd_run /path/to/configuration_file

The configuration file incorporates comments with details about all possible options and how to use them.

Building an example (to call ABCD from C++ or C)

Once the library is built, you can compile the given examples (either C++ or C):

# the C++ example called `example.cpp` and the
# C example called `example.c` are in the examples directory

cd examples

# create a directory where to build your examples

mkdir build_example
cd build_example

# tell cmake where the abcd solver is located
# the current version supposes that the library was built within
# the directory ``build`` in a release mode
# if you get an error while running cmake, check that you gave the
# absolute path to the abcd solver directory

cmake .. -DABCD=/absolute/path/to/abcd/

# if everything went correctly, try to run the C++ example

mpirun -np 16 ./example

# or if you want to run the C example:

mpirun -np 16 ./example_c

Issue tracker

If you find any bug, didn't understand a step in the documentation, or if you have a feature request, submit your issue on our Issue Tracker by giving:

  • reproducible steps
  • a source code, or a snippet where you call the solver
  • a matrix file if possible.

Release Notes

  • ABCD-1.0
  1. Bug fixes:
    1. Patoh imbalance variable is changed to double precision variable.

    b. A new stable uniform partitioning algorithm is implemented. d. A new stable algorithm for manual input partitioning is implemented. c. A new stable algorithm for distributing partitions to MPI processors is implemented. (When the number MPI processes is larger than the number of partitions). e. Scaling with MUMPS algorithm is now stable for both new and old versions of MUMPS

  2. Improvements:
    1. Now output gives more details.
    2. A post row scaling method is available for getting 2-norm of rows equal 1.
    3. When there is no RHS, the new RHS is created using unscaled input coefficient matrix.
  • ABCD-1.1
  1. Input/Output:
    1. New parameters:
      • Number of iterations for scaling (manual or predetermined)
      • Starting vector for CG (start_file)
      • config_file.info_advanced
        • alpha on the Identity of augmented subsystems: force pivoting to counter numerical issues
        • master_def/slave_def/num_overlap/slave_tol/min_comm_weight
    2. Display:
      • added Block Size/MPI/OpenMP
      • Warning on augmentation Cij without scaling
      • Improved memory display (match MUMPS MB max/avg display)
    3. Partition file example/e05r0500.mtx.part5
    4. Filtering explicit non-zeros of input matrix
    5. ABCD version in header
  2. Improvements:
    1. Overlapping partitions:
      • parameter to specify the number of overlapping rows between contiguous partitions (num_overlap)
      • overlapping lines are at beginning/end of partition
    2. Master-slave scheme
      • Enforce master-slave scheme with new parameter: specify a number of additional slaves (slave_tol)
      • MUMPS analysis:
        • Master with no slave keep their complete analysis
        • The symmetric permutation (METIS/SCOTCH/AMD) is kept between the 2 analysis
      • Explicit distribution of MPI:
        • 1 master/1node + try to fit remaining slaves inside this same node as possible
        • parameters master_def and slave_def allows to choose between old and new implementations
    3. New algorithm to distribute slaves in order to balance communications as well as workload (parameter min_comm_weight to specify imbalance on #rows)
  3. Installation system:
    1. dependencies:
      • MUMPS no longer included
      • extraction of Boost for an easier installation
    2. clean CMake/configuration files
    3. documentation




Language:C++ 98.0%Language:C 1.3%Language:Fortran 0.3%Language:CMake 0.1%Language:Python 0.1%Language:Harbour 0.0%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:Perl 0.0%