NCSC-NL / log4shell

Operational information regarding the log4shell vulnerabilities in the Log4j logging library.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

please improve formatting quality

milankowww opened this issue · comments

The quality of markdown tables is slowly deteriorating:

  • some entries don't have a trailing |, some do
  • some table uses a different separator than |:----, namely |----

This makes it hard for automated parsing tools to access the data.

Doing a one-shot cleanup and sending a pull request fixing half the entries would not be wise, because it would make all the other waiting pull requests unmergeable. Also, implementing a commit hook would make the entire file un-commitable.

My idea would be to

  • fix |:--- manually
  • ask contributors for a more rigid input formatting
  • add a pre-merge-commit hook, that would only check the diff for violations of the code, so that the old code can still be ugly (for some time)

We would appreciate PR's for all of your suggestions, @milankowww.

This has been fixed since commit d9528bd, although nothing has been done to prevent this in the future

@milankowww We added a GH Action to check the table for new PRs.


Closing this since the issue is fixed and a GH Action is in place.
👍 Thanks @RobinFlikkema, @tschmidtb51 and @milankowww!