NCSC-NL / log4shell

Operational information regarding the log4shell vulnerabilities in the Log4j logging library.

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CVE-2021-45046: Now everyone should update to Log4j 2.16

SanderH opened this issue · comments


Reset the patched software list and start all over again?

the CVSS is 3/7 (moderate) so that is a tad lower than 10.0

moderate (CVSS: 3.7 AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L)

referent source:

Furthermore this CVE is included for already some of the scanner tools. Also Lunasec (the ones that brought out Log4shell in the first place AFAIK) wrote a recommendation to upgrade to 2.16 even when you upgraded to 2.15 already (see:

see releases of their scanner tool on:

Log4J version 2.17.0 is released.


Maybe adding a column to mark if a product/application applied version 2.17.0?

Thanks for your feedback. We've split out the different CVE's in columns on monday.