NCEAS / recordr

Provenance tracking for R.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

dependencies not recorded correctly

mbjones opened this issue · comments

viewRun() only shows a few package dependencies, whereas it really should be showing everything in the session that has been loaded.

Now "base", "other" and "loadedOnly" packages are recorded in the execution metadata, for example:
Dependencies: stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, datasets, methods, base, hash_2.2.6, Rcpp_0.12.3, magrittr_1.5, roxygen2_5.0.1, munsell_0.4.2, uuid_0.1-2, colorspace_1.2-6, R6_2.1.2, stringr_1.0.0, httr_1.1.0, plyr_1.8.3, tools_3.2.3, grid_3.2.3, redland_1.0.17-4, gtable_0.1.2, parsedate_1.1.1, datapackage_1.0.0, DBI_0.3.1, yaml_2.1.13, digest_0.6.9, ggplot2_2.0.0, base64enc_0.1-3, bitops_1.0-6, RCurl_1.95-4.7, RSQLite_1.0.0, stringi_1.0-1, scales_0.3.0, XML_3.98-1.3, jsonlite_0.9.19, recordr_0.9.0.9006, dataone_2.0.0, EML_0.0-6

Fixed in commit dfca11c