NAlexPear / tracing-stackdriver

Stackdriver-compatible tracing Subscriber

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Static string in CloudTraceConfiguration::project_id

abdolence opened this issue · comments

Hey, I was working with some previous builds of this library that used normal String type for project_id for Google traces and it was working fine. Now I tried to upgrade to 0.6 and I see it was changed to &static str.

Since commonly GCP project IDs are coming from configurations, environment variables, etc, this made now it more complicated to define.
What is the reason it is defined that way?
I would want to avoid using Box::leak and hacks just to specify project ids.

That's a fair point. For my own uses, project_id and similar Google-level configuration was static, but of course it makes sense that an Env-based String configuration would be useful, too. That seems worth a patch, stand by.

@abdolence just published v0.6.1 with project_id configured with an owned String. Thanks for opening this issue!

Thanks for the quick fix!