N64Recomp / N64Recomp

Tool to statically recompile N64 games into native executables

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


LandonAndEmma opened this issue · comments

Tutorial please

Wiseguy is working on writing build instructions and general explanations on how to use this tool.

Please note that there won't be a simple step by step tutorial on how to use this tool given that programming knowledge and reverse engineering knowledge are required to know what to do and how to do it.

Oh ok, I know how to program but I have no idea how to reverse engineer, I just want to port a obscure n64 game to PC.

There is a semi-decompiled source code of the game but it's not finished and slowed down 3 years ago due to it being obscure, but maybe it could help.

You could try using that decomp project as an starting point.

You can try building that project and using the generated elf file, which is what you need to recompile the game. Please note recompiling the game is just one step, is not the whole process.

This elf may have functions marked properly but it may not, and if the project is abandoned it may have not even all the functions figured out. If the elf is missing information you would need to learn how to fill the gaps by reverse engineering the game and learning about the elf format. We can't really help you with that since the Recomp project expects some prior knowledge users can use it properly.