N4S4 / synology-api

A Python wrapper around Synology API

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filestation.FileStation() - "Error 402 - Denied permission" on version 0.7.2 (the return of)

tinwhisker opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Login returns Error 402

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

from synology_api import filestation

test = filestation.FileStation('filestationip',


Console will return 402

Alternate examples:

Good (API guide):

Bad (synology-api):

'version' has no impact on success - this was the raw example from the API datasheet which worked. Setting to 7 still succeeded in 'good', setting to 3 still failed on 'bad'.

Expected behavior
Successful login

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: 7.2.1-69057
  • Model: FileStation

Additional context
Comparing the login sent with a working login, plus referencing the Official API datasheet, I see that 'session' is set to 'Core', where the datasheet states on page 20 ("Chpater 4: File Station API" [SIC]):

"All File Station APIs are required to login with SYNO.API.Auth and session=FileStation"

My "fix" is to pass the session or 'application' (as you define it internally) value to base when instantiated.
All other variants will default to "Core".

I can make a pull request for perusal, but I can only test against the FileStation.


Version is related to the DSM version not to the api call version. It is strange because it works fine for me. Let me investigate a bit and i will revert back. In the mean while you can prepare a PR so we can compare. Thank you

I mentioned DSM ver purely to rule it out.

Maybe there's a setting to allow arbitrary applications/session types, but I only have user-level access currently to our unit.
The docs imply it must be 'FileStation' on those devices, maybe DSM 7.2.1-69057 is enforcing it now?

PR: #169