MzeroMiko / VMamba

VMamba: Visual State Space Models,code is based on mamba

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tiny model ckpt not match the model weights

shengyu27 opened this issue · comments

When I use the tiny model and find that some of the shapes in the model do not match the shape of the model
this is the ckpt:vssm_tiny_0230_ckpt_epoch_262.pth
this is the model weights:
this is the model config:
model param

So where do you get that config file?

So where do you get that config file?

from the readme table 'Classification on ImageNet-1K with VMambav2'

It seems that the hyper-parameter in the picture your provide mismatch what in, e.g. ssm_d_state=16 in your fig, but SSM_D_STATE=1 in the yaml config. Fix that and try again.

It seems that the hyper-parameter in the picture your provide mismatch what in, e.g. ssm_d_state=16 in your fig, but SSM_D_STATE=1 in the yaml config. Fix that and try again.

oh, this is my mistake, thanks.