Myzel394 / Alibi

Use your phone as a dashcam and save the last 30 minutes when you need them.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Request for Option to Choose Length at Save

Gymcap opened this issue · comments


At the moment hitting save means I'm saving a predetermined amount of data on my phone every time, regardless of if I only need the last minute in an instance. It would be really useful I think to be able to choose how far back to save out of the recording.

I think this could also pair well with the batch duration feature already implemented, as then you could simply choose how many/which files to save.

I hope you consider this as I would find this feature very useful.

You could just set a high duration and then cut to the correct time afterwards


Sure, just not very convenient

The only thing I could offer is to be able to select a lower duration, because all older batches are deleted.

E.g: You select by default to store the latest 60 minutes, on saving the recording you could save anything between 0 - 60 minutes, as all other recordings simply do not exist anymore.

Would you be interested in that?

If I'm understanding you correctly, I think I'd be very interested in that.

Sorry for such a late reply.