MythTV-Themes / TintedGlass

The MythTV TintedGlass theme

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Guide not showing bottom channel info

dheian opened this issue · comments

Been using Tinted Glass since it came out. Love it.

Just noticed this however. Looked at the guide and saw that the channel logo/name/number isn't displaying for the bottom channel. Instead of the info, there's just a empty space. If you scroll down, the info appears, but then the new bottom channel has the missing info as well. it the theme or perhaps something wrong in Myth?

I think I know what the problem is.
It works fine here and should for you too I made the definition bigger than it needed to be just to avoid this sort of problem.
Are you running the lastest .27-fixes? I'm not so maybe the devs changed something and I can update and see if I have the same problem.
Are you able to work from the command line?
If so go to where the TintedGlass theme is located (/home/yourusername/.mythtv/themes/TintedGlass.
Load the schedule-ui.xml file in your text editor and change the two line numbers:
Line number189: <area>24,83,214,366</area>
Change the last number from 366 to 386.
Line number192: <area>24,83,214,366</area>
Change the last number form 366 to386.
The original code should like below:
<buttonlist name="channellist">
<statetype name="buttonitem">
<state name="active">
<imagetype name="no_channelicon" depends="!channelicon">

Save it and try the channel guide again and let me know if it worked.


Thanks! I've made the changes via ssh. Will be home after three pm Easterm and will check it then. Will let you know.

Your suggestion fixed the problem. I'll close this...will open a new issue for something else I've noticed.

If you would go back and starting at 367 increase it by one until it works I would appreaciate it.
At 386 it's 22 more than it should need to be.
Also what OS are you using?

Mythbuntu. Will start checking the sizes one at a time.

It first appears again at 368

Ok thanks.
I will start by updating my production system ( multiple frontends and backends so takes a while ) to the latest .27-fixes tomorrow and see if the problem shows up.
If so something changed in MythTV if not it must be a Mythbuntu thing and I will have to install Mythbuntu on and old machine to test with.
There easy fixes it's just that there's a lot of them so will take a little while.
When I get done I will push out a new version.


I just pushed out a new release that should be available tomorrow.
I decieded to not change all the buttonlists in the theme just the ones showing the problem. The reason is I think this is a MythTV bug as the spacing between rows is inconsistent and it should be the same.
Since I just scanned quickly threw the theme I may have missed some so if you notice any let me know.
